@NekoArc Only vaguely related but I smoked frae birth till aboot 7 year ago when I promised mah spouse I'd stop on Jan 3 of that year. Due tae drowning (clearly nae fatal) and Long Covid, I now hae #Phantosmia what manifests as, you guessed it, cigarette smoke. I smell this about 70% of the day regardless of where I am.
My Pantosmia hae been relentless fur the past few day. #Phantosmia #OlfactoryHallucinations #Neurodivergent #MentalHealth #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #mentalhealth #neurodivergent #olfactoryhallucinations #Phantosmia
I cannae even BEGIN tae express in words just how fucking annoying #Phantosmia is. Mine manifests mostly as #cigarette smoke. #OlfactoryHallucinations.
#olfactoryhallucinations #cigarette #Phantosmia
@emily_rj I also replied to someone on Twitter yesterday about this, maybe it was you. My phantosmia went from cigarette smoke to ashtray to coal to dirty cooking: all sort of smokey. When I was having strong and frequent waves/attacks of all-over tingling and weakness very early in LC, it was accompanied by a metallic/smokey taste that felt like it came from my lungs. I've seen others say that their phantosmia was smokey so maybe it isn't (only?) memory-based.
#parosmia #Phantosmia #LongCovid