🆕 publication | EPI-PHARE co-signe un article dans la revue Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety
💡 Potentially inappropriate medications in nursing homes and the community older adults using the French health insurance databases
#epiverse #PharmacoEpidemiolgy
🆕 publication | EPI-PHARE co-signe un article dans la revue Vaccines
💡Does Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccination Protect against COVID-19 Outcomes: A Nationwide Cohort Study.
➡️ Étude nationale sur 6,8 millions d’enfants, menée en collaboration avec l'Inserm et l'AP-HP.
➡️ Les vaccins ROR (rougeole, oreillons et rubéole) ne protègent pas contre le Covid sévère chez les enfants.
#EpiVerse #PharmacoEpidemiolgy
#epiverse #PharmacoEpidemiolgy
🆕publication | EPI-PHARE signe un article dans Scientific Reports
💡TNF-alpha inhibitors biosimilar use in France: a nationwide population-based study using the French National Health Data System
#epiverse #PharmacoEpidemiolgy
💡 Created by ANSM (French health Authority) and CNAM (French Health Insurance), EPI-PHARE carries out, pilots and coordinates pharmaco-epidemiological studies using complex and massive data from the French National Health Data System to enlighten public authorities in their decision-making.
💡 EPI-PHARE aims to produce new knowledge on the use, misuse, benefits and risks of medicines and health products in real life.
#epiverse #RealWorldData #PharmacoEpidemiolgy