"Las farmacéuticas inventan trastornos y enfermedades mentales para tener gente adicta a sus productos"
# PeterGøtzsche
#cochranecollab #CochraneReview #Pharmaindustry
Has Cochrane lost its way? | The BMJ
# PeterGøtzsche
#cochranecollab #CochraneReview #Pharmaindustry
Has Cochrane lost its way? | The BMJ
# PeterGøtzsche
#cochranecollab #CochraneReview #Pharmaindustry
This #heurekamoment‼️
Top-crew at #BioNTech tell my #COVIcommitee colleauges and me about the development of the #mRNA #Vaccine
Lets make more of this happen in EU with the coming #Pharmaindustry lawpackages
I hope @EU_Commission come with strong proposals soon!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WeissPernille/status/1572627764481753088
#heurekamoment #BioNTech #COVIcommitee #mRNA #vaccine #Pharmaindustry #EUPOL