Watching a #hottake on #NandovMovies on #YouTube about cops as villians being a defining connector in the #MCU #phase4 - says there is a growing appetite for #antipolice depictions in media to match the growing skepticism with #LE since the mid 2010's. Now if milktoast global conglomerate #Disney views #ACAB as a "safe" and "kid friendly" take... When is an official "Fuck the Police" indie flick coming out?? 🎟️🎟️🎟️
#hottake #nandovmovies #youtube #mcu #Phase4 #antipolice #le #disney #acab
Ok trying to find people who like the same things or are connected topic wise so here are some key questions for us to follow each other and have a more colorful feed.
Interested in #design #productdesign and #accessibility ?
Love the #makers community and everything #opensource?
Do you also believe in #social politics and free #education ?
Do you design with #figma ?
What y’all enjoyed from #phase4 of #marvel #mcu ?
You ok with #shitpost every now and then?
Would love to meet y’all
#shitpost #mcu #Marvel #Phase4 #figma #education #social #opensource #makers #accessibility #productdesign #design
Loved Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. What a movie. I haven’t seen that much on the big screen since 2020 for the obvious reason but, WOW, that was definitely one for the big screen. Amazing cinematography and costumes and a powerful story. Not the story that was originally planned I’m sure, but the reflections on grief that are emerging through #Phase4 of the #MCU are inspiring and overwhelming. Highly recommend #FilmRecommendation #Marvel #BlackPanther
#Phase4 #mcu #filmrecommendation #marvel #BlackPanther
Just got home from seeing #BlackPanther #WakandaForever and wow, was it beautiful. The cast was fantastic, and it was a beautiful homage to Chadwick Boseman and his legacy. One of my favorite #Phase4 projects, hands down.
Official cry count was 4, to the surprise of no one.
#izzyreviewsmovies #officialcrycount #moviereview (“review”) #recommendation
#BlackPanther #wakandaforever #Phase4 #izzyreviewsmovies #officialcrycount #moviereview #recommendation
Ναι, αλλά αν έρθει η επανάσταση, μερικοί θα φύγουν.
Είναι πιο ανθρωπιστικού να φύγουν όλοι. Σκέψου πόσο δίκιο είχε ο Θάνος. @Utopia2610
Trailer: Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4
Bei Disney und Marvel ist man offensichtlich eindeutig der Ansicht, dass wir die scheiß Pandemie gegen Ende des Jahres endlich aus dem Kopf haben ...
#Film,TV&Stream #BlackWidow #Eternals #Marvel #MarvelCinematicUniver5se #MCU #Neuland #Phase4 #Shang-Shi #Spider-Man #Trailer
#Trailer #spider #Shang #Phase4 #neuland #mcu #MarvelCinematicUniver5se #Marvel #Eternals #BlackWidow #film