@krisSacrebleu . . . no doubt, Sarah is THE best-sexiest-smartest-wokest-most feminine beautiful bartender/host in #Philadelphia!
#DirtyFranks, 13th & Pine Streets, Center City ‘gayborhood.’ #PhillyPhilly
#philadelphia #dirtyfranks #PhillyPhilly
https://whyy.org/articles/sigma-studios-birthplace-of-the-philly-sound-wins-spot-on-citys-historic-register/ This huge story obviously got subdued by Covid, and the fact we had no POTUS, —remember? #PhillyPhilly #music
I've had one-too-many encounters already this week with obnoxious critters from that braindead subculture who believes every lazy anti-Philly media stereotype, and thinks that gives them license to get in the faces of humble ordinary #Eagles fans on sight. 🤬
Time to re-center myself with the immortal words of the zen philosopher Jason Kelce.
#eagles #gobirds #FlyEaglesFly #PhillyPhilly
@1finekitty Dietz & Watson are better tasting cold cuts, anyway.
#PhillyPhilly #Eagles
Yo, America/World.
A poser Philly cheesesteak often includes diced green bell peppers, a toasted roll, provolone (or worse) cheese, and other ‘regional oddities.’ Provolone is for hoagies.
A REAL Philly cheesesteak includes a soft roll, chopped ribeye steak, wit-/witout-fried onions, preferably Cheese Whiz but may use American cheese —FULL STOP.
My local fav’ is Waller’s Deli, Tabernacle #NJ; soft Aversa hoagie roll, Whiz-wit and mushrooms (à la the Original Pat’s Steaks, #PhillyPhilly):
#BlackMastodon #BlackLivesMatter
#SoftwareEngineer #SoftwareDeveloper #Retired
#NASA #Artemis #JWST #Hubble #Space #Spaceflight
#Science #Engineering #Geek #Blerd
#ScienceFiction #SciFi
#Stargate #SG1
#DarkMatter #TeamRaza
#PacificRim #Kaiju #Godzilla #Ultraman
#VideoGames #Steam #Xbox #GamePass #PCGaming
#PhiladelphiaEagles #GoBirds #FlyEaglesFly #Eagles
#BlackMastodon #blacklivesmatter #cancersurvivor #SoftwareEngineer #softwaredeveloper #retired #nasa #artemis #jwst #hubble #space #spaceflight #science #engineering #geek #blerd #sciencefiction #scifi #idic #llap #stargate #sg1 #darkmatter #TeamRaza #screamingfirehawks #firefly #pacificrim #kaiju #godzilla #ultraman #masseffect #videogames #steam #xbox #gamepass #pcgaming #PhillyPhilly #philadelphiaeagles #gobirds #FlyEaglesFly #eagles #goducks #nhra
The National Media can’t help but talk shit on Philly. We’re 9-1 and they’re talking about why the Colts (4-6-1) lost, not how Philly won. #WeDontCare #PhillyPhilly #FlyEaglesFly
#wedontcare #PhillyPhilly #flyeaglesfly
Current mood, #PhiladelphiaEagles fan anticipating #MondayNightFootball kickoff.
I never expected the Eagles to go 17-0, let alone be undefeated this deep into the season. To me, they're still a young team simply learning how to win together. They're way ahead of schedule, a nice surprise. So win or lose, I've enjoyed what we've gotten so far.
#philadelphiaeagles #MondayNightFootball #FlyEaglesFly #PhillyPhilly
Current mood, #PhiladelphiaEagles fan anticipating #MondayNightFootball kickoff.
Never expected the Eagles to go 17-0, let alone be undefeated this deep into the season. To me, they're still a young team simply learning how to win together. They're way ahead of schedule, a nice surprise. So win or lose, I've enjoyed what we've gotten so far.
#philadelphiaeagles #MondayNightFootball #FlyEaglesFly #PhillyPhilly
Current mood, #PhiladelphiaEagles fan anticipating #MondayNightFootball kickoff.
Never expected the Eagles to go 17-0, let alone be undefeated this deep into the season. To me, they're still a young team simply learning how to win together. They're way ahead of schedule, a nice surprise. So win or lose, I've enjoyed what we've gotten so far.
🦅 #FlyEaglesFly 🏈 #PhillyPhilly
#philadelphiaeagles #MondayNightFootball #FlyEaglesFly #PhillyPhilly
@DancesWithCybermen Flyers fan! Philly area native by any chance, too? Just curious... only if you don't mind sharing. I'm #PhillyPhilly born & raised.
@sfchin Nice. I love my Cherry MX Browns too. Welcome aboard. Also #PhillyPhilly!