After converting all images to and minifying all the and assets, got a performance score of πŸ’― from for desktop browsers! πŸ₯³


#Google #PhishWarn #js #CSS #WebP

Last updated 2 years ago

Did you know that automatically adjusts its theme to your system settings? That's why it's now listed on! 😎



Last updated 2 years ago You can also install the PunyCode Domain Detection, which notifies you about possible attempts.

#PhishWarn #Phishing #addon #FireFox

Last updated 2 years ago

Have you ever wanted to see whether your friends, relatives or colleagues would fall for ?

If you send them a fake β€œphishing” you can link to instead of an actually malicious website, e.g.: __β€œClick [here]( to log in to your :amazon: Amazon account.”__

PhishWarn is an educational page that warns the user that they'd have fallen prey to a (if it had been real), and informs them how they can protect themselves in the future. πŸ›‘οΈ


PhishWarn is available in πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ English and πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ German. It's based on and its source code is hosted πŸ”—

#hugo #Scam #PhishWarn #Email #Phishing

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm proud to announce my new project on : Sijacom!

It stands for "Simple Joining And Content Management" and is a tiny static website generator. I originally created it for my project because I needed some sort of but didn't want to dive into huge projects like .

Check it out:

By the way: You're free to translate into any language on @Bubu's : ☺️

#lazarus #freepascal #pascal #weblate #Sijacom #hugo #cms #PhishWarn #codeberg #foss

Last updated 3 years ago

Currently working on a really, really easy-to-use static website generator. Results are highly promising until now. I need some sort of for my project as it's growing and I'm too lazy to learn how to operate or something like that. So stay tuned.

#codeberg #lazarus #freepascal #pascal #hugo #PhishWarn #cms

Last updated 3 years ago

What other tips* do you know about how to recognise and how to avoid being phished?

* that are not mentioned on yet

How to recognise phishing:
How to prevent being phished:

#codeberg #PhishWarn #phishing

Last updated 3 years ago

Check out 's new at!

Note that as I want to avoid JavaScript I just implemented the CSS media query "prefers-color-scheme: dark". That's why you need to either activate your system's dark mode or use @rugk's browser addon "Dark Website Forcer": πŸ”—

#darkmode #PhishWarn

Last updated 3 years ago

Today I finally used variables for the first time!

It's good practice defining colours once in the CSS file's top section and using them as variables all over the document so that you don't have to make dozens of changes just to implement for example a new accent colour.

The code then looks like this:

:root {
--dark-red: rgb(192,0,0);

.header {
background-color: var(--dark-red);

#PhishWarn #css

Last updated 3 years ago

Progress with goes on and on. Check out to see what has been changed, updated and added already. 😎

And as always, feel free to open a new issue for any feedback, suggestions etc. on ☺️


Last updated 3 years ago

Did you know that the "Read more..." elements on 's website don't require any ?

In fact, it's an HTML5 feature and works really well. Basically, it works like this:

<summary>Read more...</summary>
You can put the additional text inside this.

Try it out on

#javascript #PhishWarn

Last updated 3 years ago

I've just put into a seperate repository so it's now possible to open issues and merge requests for those who have any suggestions: ☺️


Last updated 3 years ago

For those who noticed: doesn't load the Bootstrap Icons not from anymore as I've resolved the issue that was preventing me from locally hosting them. The problem was that I forgot to download the Bootstrap font LOL πŸ˜…πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


Last updated 3 years ago

Here's a preview of :


Last updated 3 years ago

Have you ever wanted to see if your friends would fall for phishing?

For this purpose, I have just created a website that you can link to instead of a harmful, real phishing site. warns the user that he/she has just almost become a phishing victim.


Of course, PhishWarn is completely harmless! Also, it's and its source code can be found on @codeberg, by the way:

#foss #PhishWarn

Last updated 3 years ago