Bicycling Monterey · @bikemonterey
79 followers · 108 posts · Server

We haven't done much with 's YouTube channel—mostly because we provide and all bike advocacy projects to date (May 2009-April 2023) as a volunteer and simply can't do more tasks; and partly because is a Google company.

Nonetheless, we posted our new video on YouTube this week "ANDAR EN BICICLETA EN LAS ACERAS además de ejemplos de ordenanzas del Condado de Monterey, California," including transcript/subtitles.

That motivated us to type up subtitles for 2 short we'd previously posted on our channel: " - Sea Otter Classic, a Celebration of Cycling - Detox!" and " - HER Helmet Thursdays welcome from Alvarado St, Monterey."

We truly appreciate those (even bots) for reminding of importance of , photo , , etc. Just wish for more hours in the day to provide them, including time required to write better .

#Bicycling #monterey #youtube #videos #subtitles #descriptions #alttext #PhotoDescriptions #dowhatyoucan #BikeTooter

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica Kantrowitz · @jfkantrowitz
193 followers · 123 posts · Server

@jackmjenkins Use much more liberally (for politics, discussion of other social media sites, even food — give people the option to read about whatever it is. Use more hashtags and capitalize all the words in a hashtag for better readability. . Definitely add .

#contentwarnings #camelcase #PhotoDescriptions

Last updated 2 years ago