Chinese Researchers Make Strides Toward Large-scale Quantum Networks Based on Existing Fiber Networks. Insider View Researchers report they achieved on-demand storage of photonic qubits at telecom wavelengths using a laser-written waveguide fabricated in an erbium-doped crystal. The work could lead to the construction

#Research #fiber #Physical_Review_Letters #quantum #quantum_memories #quantum_network #University_of_Science_and_Technology #quantumdaily

Last updated 2 years ago

ParityQC, University of Innsbruck Develop New Universal Quantum Computing Method Insider Brief A team of ParityQC and the University of Innsbruck physicists report on a novel approach to universal quantum computing based on the ParityQC Architecture in two papers recently p

#Research #Anette_Messinger #Austrian_Science_Fund_FWF #FFG #Kilian_Ender #Michael_Fellner #ParityQC #Physical_Review_A #Physical_Review_Letters #University_of_Innsbruck #quantumdaily

Last updated 2 years ago