-- Wishing for Starlight --
A nice dissection of the paper purporting to solve the distant starlight problem, with Godless Granny, featuring Almost A Doctor.
#creationism #physics #astrophyiscs #astronomy #science #YEC
#yec #Science #Astronomy #astrophyiscs #Physics #creationism
I just learned about the COOLEST program! It's called "Letters to a Pre-Scientist" and if you sign up, you volunteer to be a pen pal to a kid and help them get excited for a career in a #STEM field! It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for #ScienceMastodon to do some good in the world. The program is open to anyone in STEM over 18, all around the world. Please share this post, they need more volunteers!
#science #space #Physics #Math #Dev #IndieDev #medicine #Research
#Research #medicine #IndieDev #Dev #Math #Physics #Space #Science #sciencemastodon #stem
The more non landing, non deadly storms the better. Hurricanes are the CPU coolers of the planet, taking heat to the top of armosphere so it radiates into space.
Thats why CO2 is like "rolled up windows on a car in the sun" - CO2 holds heat, heat reflected off the road just gets reabsorbed into the air. It takes a hurricane, lifting air all the way to space, to cool the planet.
Because of carbon fuels.
Like in a car it kills kids, forests
#Science #Physics #Climate #hurricane
I predict a new issue of "The #Tao of #Physics " to hit the market soon.
#OnThisDay Birth Anniversary of Ernest Rutherford (1871) - known as the "Father of #Nuclear #Physics".
Birth Anniversary of English #Novelist Mary Shelley (1797) - best known for her Gothic novel #Frankenstein.
Birth Anniversary of American microbiologist Maurice Hilleman (1919) who developed over 40 #Vaccines. It is estimated that his vaccines save nearly 8 million lives each year.
#vaccines #frankenstein #novelist #Physics #nuclear #onthisday
Yay it's time for some hardcore (not the Musk-described hardcore) engineering with #Bluetooth :pikachuroll: #Embedded #Wireless #Physics
#Physics #wireless #Embedded #Bluetooth
It is Monday, August 14th and Stuff has Happened.
We may soon learn more about a possible fifth fundamental force. Also, SBF is headed to jail, the Sackler family is not out of the woods quite yet, record labels are suing the Internet Archive, and I found some real passionate Wikipedia drama for ya
Today's newsletter: https://www.stuffkeepshappening.online/moana-force/
Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goLweoWbHMQ
Listen to the podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/stuffkeepshappening/1075110/
#news #Physics #FtX #internetarchive #stuffkeepshappening
There, I fixed it for you.
A singularity-free force of gravitation:
F=G(m1+m2)/(r+ ℓP)^2
G = universal gravitational constant
m1 = mass of object 1
m2 = mass of object 2
r = the distance b/w the objdcts
ℓP = Planck length
When do I get my Nobel?
#yourewelcome #gravity #generalrelativity #Physics
#Indigenous #Forests Are Some of the #Amazon’s Last #CarbonSinks : WRI
#Math’s ‘#Oldest #Problem Ever’ Gets a New #Answer : Quanta Mag
#Sun blasts out highest-energy #Radiation ever recorded, raising questions for #Solar #Physics : Space.com
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #Physics #solar #radiation #sun #answer #problem #oldest #Math #CarbonSinks #Amazon #forests #Indigenous
Although most people point out that if that is possible, it would have happened in the sun every day, because the sun is colliding particles with very high energy. So we are pretty safe.
And now I am going to stare at the sun, and worry all day long.
Only until your eyes burn out, then you will be fine.
<laugh> Black holes in my eyes.
#python #micropython #physics #embedded #podcast
#Podcast #Embedded #Physics #Micropython #Python
This week, Damien George spoke with Chris(@stoneymonster) and Elecia (@logicalelegance) about developing with and for @MicroPython while Elecia tried not to spill all the secrets about her client.
The transcript for that show is available now( https://embedded.fm/transcripts/2023/8/3/456-left-right-symmetry-of-a-banana )!
Feel free to read through and share your favorite quotes.
#Podcast #Embedded #Physics #Micropython #Python
This week, Damien George spoke with us about developing with and for MicroPython while Elecia tried not to spill all the secrets about her client.
Here are some alternate show titles that were in the running:
- One Module To Rule Them All
- Scripting satellites
Which would you have gone for?
Enjoy episode 456: Left Right Symmetry of a Banana ( https://embedded.fm/episodes/456 ).
#python #micropython #physics #embedded #Podcast
#Podcast #Embedded #Physics #Micropython #Python
This week, Damien George spoke with Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia ( @logicalelegance ) about developing with and for MicroPython while Elecia tries not to spill all the secrets about her client.
Join us for another exciting episode: https://embedded.fm/episodes/456 !
#Podcast #Embedded #Physics #Micropython #Python
Word of the day:
#QuantumComputing #Science #BitByBit #ComputerScience #Qubits #Physics #QuantumPhysics #QuantumMechanics
#quantummechanics #quantumphysics #Physics #qubits #computerscience #bitbybit #Science #quantumcomputing
@pts @mcnees *Very* cool! Looking at the ad for it thinking it would be a great “How does this work?” exercise for students… or their teachers!
#Physics #ITeachPhysics #Sound #Technology
#Physics #iteachphysics #sound #Technology
Superconductor breakthrough could represent ‘biggest physics discovery of a lifetime’ – but scientists urge caution
'Breakthrough would mark ‘holy grails of modern physics, unlocking major new developments in energy, transportation, healthcare, and communications’ – but it is a long way from being proven'
#science #physics #superconductors
#superconductors #Physics #Science
Huge if true #Superconductor news in the #Physics world.
On page three of the recipe, it says that a mixture needs to be baked at 550C for 48 hours in a vacuum of 10^-3 torr and then another mixture baked at 925C for 5-20 hours in a vacuum of the same pressure.
However, the pressure indicated on the accompanying diagram shows 10^-3 mTorr
I'm probably be confused but isn't that a thousand times smaller?
Biden taxed the untaxed for the first time in decades, raising almost a trillion dollars. No offshoring, loopholes or deductions,
Almost all the raised money was put into the largest climate action in history. Reducing energy costs, reducing carbon, reducing energy used.
The physics is physics, sorta kinda capiralist commie China has to end carbon, military dictatorship Thailand has to build all the solar, democracies, monarchies.