Bild der Woche: Wüstenstaub über dem Golf von Biskaya. Saharastaub liefert dem marinen Phytoplankton wichtige Nährstoffe. #Saharastaub #Wuestenstaub #Ozean #Phytoplankton
#Saharastaub #wuestenstaub #ozean #Phytoplankton
🔵⚠️🌊The #Phytoplankton bloom,ongoing in the #AtlanticOcean,just 450km off the coasts of #Argentina, is a huge one, covering almost 350000km2 . #Sentinel3 with its #OLCI eye has captured countless swirls and shades of blue and green on Nov.21 #ocean
@plymuni @SamGerrits @BBCEarth @MarkH
#ocean #olci #Sentinel3 #argentina #atlanticocean #Phytoplankton
🔵⚠️🌊The #Phytoplankton bloom,ongoing in the #AtlanticOcean,just 450km off the coasts of #Argentina, is a huge one, covering almost 350000km2 . #Sentinel3 with its #OLCI eye has captured countless swirls and shades of blue and green on Nov.21 #ocean
@plymuni @SamGerrits @BBCEarth @MarkH
#Phytoplankton #atlanticocean #argentina #Sentinel3 #olci #ocean
Vision Times - The Magic of Bioluminescence – Glowing Fungus Revealed During Clouded Lunar Eclipse:
#KalalochBeach #Bioluminescence #Bioluminescent #Fungus #Algae #Phytoplankton #Photography
#photography #Phytoplankton #algae #fungus #Bioluminescent #Bioluminescence #KalalochBeach