And the last to birds on the list, one of the pair of #PiedCurrawong that live in my backyard and pop in for sultanas every now and then, and a #TorresianCrow up in a tree over the creek.
#PiedCurrawong #torresiancrow #bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz
Warrumbungle volcanic features view and some of the local birbs. Warrumbungle NP near Coonabarabran northwest NSW Australia. #birdsOfMastodon #birds #naturephotography #landscapephography #WarrumbungleNP #GreyCrownedBabbler #PiedCurrawong #CrimsonRosella #NSW #Australia
#birdsofmastodon #birds #naturephotography #landscapephography #warrumbunglenp #GreyCrownedBabbler #PiedCurrawong #CrimsonRosella #nsw #australia
This is the juvenile Pied Currawong the adults in the group are trying to protect.
It is unlikely the Brown Goshawk would take on a bird this size for food, but clearly this one thinks it is game.
#bird #AustralianWildlife #PiedCurrawong #wildoz
A Pied Currawong keeps a watchful eye on the human - maybe it has food? Taken at Barrington Tops NP NSW Australia. #birdsOfMastodon #birds #naturephotography #BarringtonTopsNP #NSW #Australia #PiedCurrawong
#birdsofmastodon #birds #naturephotography #barringtontopsnp #nsw #australia #PiedCurrawong
And this is one of my mates that comes to visit every day at home, pictured here waiting for me to go upstairs and fetch some sultanas.
It is a Pied Currawong. They predominantly eat fruit, but will happily hunt for bugs too.
#PiedCurrawong #AustralianWildlife #nature #bird
Our friendly magpie was back today, foraging for worms and bugs in the backyard, with a new friend, a Pied Currawong.
They seemed to get along ok together.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #AustralianMagpie #PiedCurrawong
#PiedCurrawong #AustralianMagpie #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
A few birds spotted from the veranda this morning in the space of about 10 mins.
One of our usual Pied Currawongs, who was being attacked by Bell Miners (the yellowy bird on the wire). A male Satin Bowerbird way off on top of a palm tree, and the male King Parrot that has been visiting recently.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #PiedCurrawong #BellMiner #SatinBowerbird #KingParrot
#kingparrot #SatinBowerbird #BellMiner #PiedCurrawong #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
Today's veranda birds. First up was the cockatoo, trying to look cute in order to elicit seed (it didn't work).
Then came the Currawong, grabbing some seed later in the day, and finally the King Parrots arrived (and did get seed refills).
#bird #nature #photo #AustralianWildlife #SulphurCrestedCockatoo #PiedCurrawong #KingParrot
#kingparrot #PiedCurrawong #SulphurCrestedCockatoo #AustralianWildlife #photo #nature #bird
A random Currawong appears.
#AustralianWildlife #PiedCurrawong #nature #photo #bird