Outre la #PineNote, qui est en rupture de stocks et encore expérimentale, existe-t-il d'autres appareils #libres et disposant d'un écran à encre électronique suffisamment grand pour lire confortablement des fichiers au format .pdf, sans trop se fatiguer les yeux ? :blobthinkingeyes:
Outre la #PineNote, qui est en rupture de stocks et encore expérimentale, existe-t-il d'autres appareils libres disposant d'un écran à encre électronique suffisamment grand pour lire confortablement des fichiers au format .pdf, sans trop se fatiguer les yeux ? :blobthinkingeyes:
@PINE64 Anyone using the #PineNote already for reading epub's? My old Kobo Forma already shows signs of aging, so that some ePub files take ages to load and the UI is very unresponsive. The store mentioned "The PineNote is an experimental device. ... software is still in it’s infancy and therefore it is ONLY suitable for experienced developers. At present time, there is no default OS.... ". I consider myself an experienced Linux engineer, and could install an OS and reader by myself.
@ligniform thank you for your comments! Yeah, the #PineNote seems nice. But I think it's a bit too big and heavy to make a good ebook reader. Kobo seems to be the next best thing, but it's still quite a trade-off. I've just spent an hour on research and it looks like I'll have to stick to using the phone for a while longer :-/
@ajroach42 I checked recently and there is supposedly a Debian image that you can just flash onto the #PineNote. I’ve been meaning to test it out but haven’t had a chance to yet.
Hey! Anyone here have a Pinenote? is there a linux build for the #PineNote that is worth using?
I want to be able to use the thing as an eink cyberdeck, running some terminal programs, a web browser, text editor, etc.
I basically just need functional wifi.
Is it time yet?
Morning from NE Scotland. First of two questions this morning, this one for #tablet or #e-ink folks. Is the #PineNote anywhere near ready? Is there another device which works well forvreading and annotating PDFs and ePubs, and works with Zotero? I'm tired of squinting at my phone.
Is anyone using the @PINE64 #PineNote yet?
Is it ready for early adopters, or is it still dev-only status?
It's almost a couple years old now, and I'm not seeing much in the way of status updates AFAICT.
I'm tempted to get a kindle scribe, but dang if I don't want to make Lex Luthor any richer or more powerful. :P
RAM $89.99
- #PineTab-V(ery good!) & #PineTab2 pre-orders April 11th -- starting at $159
-PineTab2 ships with @danctnix Arch #Linux
-#PineNote development & amazing progress
And much more!
Blog post link:
#pinetab #pinetab2 #linux #PineNote
@lupyuen That's actually pretty darn cool, actually. I mean, I'd use that to read ebooks before going to bed so I don't have light blasting my retinas, waking me up and blocking melatonin production...
Well, I would, if I wasn't already planning to buy a #PineNote and use that for the same purpose as soon as it can reliably run Calibre and is available to the public.
For anyone not a Linux nerd like me though, this could be really cool!
@paoloredaelli I'd really love an #openHardware #eInk #smartPhone by @PINE64 @pine64eu than runs mainline #Linux. Like a small #PineNote. 😁
#openhardware #eink #smartphone #linux #PineNote
@linuxmagazine @PINE64
I wish they would get back working on the #PineNote instead.
There are lots of tablets available... not so many e-ink note pads.
Last night I got around to stop playing with u-boot and actually install an OS on my #pinenote
Thanks to Maximilian (his image file), Eugen and countless of other people.
@danct12 @PINE64
I'm also interested in any status updates. To me, the #PineNote would be @PINE64's most important device, and it's sad that it seems to be mostly ignored in their briefings.
I would like to join in and contribute if and when it has reached minimum viable product.