[1961] Pingwings - Animated black-and-white children's series created by Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin. It starred a family of penguin-like creatures who lived at the back of a barn on the fictional Berrydown Farm. The Pingwing characters were knitted by Firmin's wife Joan.
First episode: The Happy Event.
#OldBritishTelly #Pingwings #OliverPostgate #PeterFirmin
[1961] Pingwings - Animated black-and-white children's series created by Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin. It starred a family of penguin-like creatures who lived at the back of a barn on the fictional Berrydown Farm. The Pingwing characters were knitted by Firmin's wife Joan.
#OldBritishTelly #Pingwings #OliverPostgate #PeterFirmin