Every year, nearly 1 million women undergo breast reconstruction after #BreastCancer.
Most of these use silicone implants, but they’re not risk-free.
Meet REGENERA: a natural, bioresorbable alternative 👉 https://europa.eu/!cPY6dh
#breastcancer #BreastCancerAwareness #PinkOctober
#BreastCancer could be better described as a collection of very different diseases – each evolving & interacting differently.
Understanding the heterogeneous aspect of tumour biology improves our ability to treat the condition: https://europa.eu/!w6KyG4
Early diagnosis is a must for #BreastCancer; but current diagnoses rely on a minimum tumour size 🤔
The project BrEXo-Apt has developed a non-invasive yet accurate test for the disease in the form of a kit: https://europa.eu/!cypFg3
#breastcancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #PinkOctober
RT @UKRinUNOG: 🇺🇦 PR Filipenko pleased to join event organized by @EU_UNGeneva to raise awareness about breast cancer
Every♀is at risk of this disease but regular checks ensure early detection, treatment & can save lives
In solidarity with affected women in Ukraine & around 🌎
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1583454690280321024
RT @USAmbGVA: Proud to join Ambassadors from across #InternationalGeneva to raise awareness & stand in solidarity with those affected by #BreastCancer, the most common cancer in the 🌍 & principal cause of death from cancer among ♀️ globally. #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #PinkOctober
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1583165253826752512
#InternationalGeneva #breastcancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #PinkOctober
RT @almolokomme: Was truly pleased to join colleague Ambassadors & other diplomats @UNGeneva at this event to mark Breast cancer awareness month organized by @EU_UNGeneva PR Lotte Knudsen. Regular checks ensure early detection, treatment & can save lives. #pinkoctober
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1583165080992362497
#BreastCancer is the most common cancer in women & the principal cause of death from cancer among ♀️ globally. It concerns all countries & populations. Today Ambassadors from across the🌎unite to raise awareness & show their solidarity. #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #PinkOctober
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1583061576269320192
#breastcancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #PinkOctober
#PinkOctober 🎗️ Над 355 000 жени в ЕС са диагностицирани с рак на гърдата през 2020.
40% от раковите заболявания могат да бъдат предотвратени, ако бъдат открити и лекувани на време.
Ето защо ЕК представи нов подход за повече и по-добър скрининг в рамките на #EUCancerPlan. 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1581536046822596609
No mês de prevenção do cancro da mama, recordamos que ao lançar o Plano Europeu de Luta contra o Cancro tornámos o combate ao cancro uma prioridade desta Comissão.
O nosso objetivo é que todos na 🇪🇺 recebam o tratamento oncológico de que necessitam.
W Polsce, w porównaniu do innych krajów #UE nadal za późno wykrywa się raka piersi! A każda kobieta w UE powinna mieć identyczną szanse na szybką diagnozę i skuteczne leczenie!
#PinkOctober #HerFightIsMyFight #BreastCancer @RenewEurope @PL_2050
RT @RenewEurope: 1 in 7 women in 🇪🇺 develop #BreastCancer.
Early detection is key to improve survival rates, but access to screening still depends on the country you live in.
During #PinkOct…
#UE #PinkOctober #HerFightIsMyFight #breastcancer #PinkOct
RT @RenewEurope: 1 in 7 women in 🇪🇺 develop #BreastCancer.
Early detection is key to improve survival rates, but access to screening still depends on the country you live in.
During #PinkOctober, we call for better breast cancer screening everywhere in Europe, because #HerFightIsMyFight 🎀
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IzaskunBilbaoB/status/1576281746433200129
#breastcancer #PinkOctober #HerFightIsMyFight