ProjektMyra · @projektmyra
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Ulisses Games übernimmt Sigil Services - Waldems

ist stolz darauf, die Übernahme von Sigil Services, LLC, bekannt zu geben, einem Unternehmen, das gegründet wurde, um die Virtual Tabletop (VTT)-Umsetzung und -Entwicklung für die führenden Rollenspielunternehmen der Spieleindustrie zu verbessern. Sigil wurde 2005 von Aaron Acevedo gegründet, 2019 auf VTT ausgeweitet und 2022 ein Partner der Entertainment Group von Shane Hensley.
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#UlissesSpiele #Pinnacle

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian Reeves Joins the Pinnacle Team as a New Developer
This week, we are happy to announce that Brian Reeves has joined our ranks here at PEG as a new Developer! Brian is a long-time gamer who got his start in 1980 with the original blue D&D "Holmes" Basic Set. His first professional RPG material was in the form of two submissions to the Creatures [...]

#BrianReeves #Deadlands #Pinnacle #news

Last updated 2 years ago

Darrell Hayhurst Joins PEG as Line Developer
We are delighted to welcome designer, frequent contributor, and Savage Worlds fan, Darrell Hayhurst to the PEG family as a new Line Developer! Darrell worked in the corporate world before becoming a full-time game designer and writer. Since his first foray into the TTRPG industry, he has worked with Fat Messiah Games, Third Eye Games, [...]

#DarrellHayhurst #SavageWorlds #Pinnacle #news

Last updated 2 years ago