Was war das für geniales Wetter heute 🤩
#schweiz #alps #upinthesky #piper #piperarcher #love #flying #fliegen #switzerland #schweiz #nature #weather #pilotlife #generalaviation #pilotsofmastodon #aviation #avgeek #avgeeks #plane #airplane #flugzeug #fliegen #pilots #upinthesky #upintheair #pa28 #alpen #alps #glacier #TopOfEurope #aletschgletscher #glacier #gletscher #jungfraujoch
#schweiz #alps #upinthesky #Piper #piperarcher #love #flying #fliegen #switzerland #nature #weather #pilotlife #generalaviation #pilotsofmastodon #aviation #avgeek #avgeeks #plane #airplane #flugzeug #pilots #upintheair #pa28 #Alpen #Glacier #topofeurope #aletschgletscher #Gletscher #jungfraujoch
Dixie Doodle
Oct 29, 2022
What's a #JudasGoat?
👉 The goat that leads sheep to their slaughter!
1- MUST HEAR! GREAT 📺 👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/hqlnikhYoDsj/
#TexeMarrs interviews #MichaelCollinsPiper, author of the outstanding new book, #TheJudasGoats. #Piper reveals how the Jеwish ADL, AIPAC, JDL, and other elements of the #SynagogueOfSatan covertly work to undermine American patriotism and destroy nationalism.
#SynagogueOfSatan #Piper #TheJudasGoats #MichaelCollinsPiper #TexeMarrs #judasgoat
Just missing it to be up in the sky. Too much time gone since my last flight.
#flying #weather #sucks #aviation #avgeek #switzerland #schweiz #fliegen #aviatik #pilotlife #pilot #pilotsofmastodon #piper #piperarcher #pa28 #flight #generalaviation #upinthesky
#flying #weather #sucks #aviation #avgeek #switzerland #schweiz #fliegen #aviatik #pilotlife #pilot #pilotsofmastodon #Piper #piperarcher #pa28 #flight #generalaviation #upinthesky
Ausbeute meines Ausflugs zum Büchereikontor.
* Band 1-3 #Manga #DemonSlayer
* #LaserBlue3_0 von #JanaMariaLüpke im #Piper Verlag
* #GeschichtenausderHeimat von #DimitryGlukhovsky (#Metro2033) #Heyne Verlag
#manga #DemonSlayer #LaserBlue3_0 #JanaMariaLüpke #Piper #GeschichtenausderHeimat #DimitryGlukhovsky #Metro2033 #Heyne
Soo kleiner Einkauf, 2 neue Bücher und ein neues #NintendoSwitch Spiel.
#LeviathanFällt #leviathanfalls #Serie #TheExpanse #InterSpaceOne #JamesCorey #AndreasSuchanek #Heyne #Piper #GeorgeRRMartin #BravelydefaulII #squareenix
#nintendoswitch #LeviathanFällt #leviathanfalls #Serie #theexpanse #InterSpaceOne #JamesCorey #AndreasSuchanek #Heyne #Piper #GeorgeRRMartin #BravelydefaulII #squareenix
On Site Opera produced my favorite opera of all time in a perfect setting with a solid cast and an utterly incoherent phalanx of Directorial Concepts. Read all about the resulting train wreck in #TheLogJournal: https://nationalsawdust.org/thelog/2019/10/29/in-review-the-turn-of-the-screw/
#TurnOfTheScrew #TheTurnOfTheScrew #Britten #BenjaminBritten #Piper #MyfanwyPiper #OnSiteOpera #MyArticles
#thelogjournal #TurnOfTheScrew #TheTurnOfTheScrew #britten #BenjaminBritten #Piper #MyfanwyPiper #OnSiteOpera #MyArticles