Jodie Turner · @jodieturner
215 followers · 1390 posts · Server

Signed. Shared. "West Mabou Beach Provincial Park is highly productive as a breeding site for Endangered Piping Plovers. . .+ are known to exceed the productivity target needed to maintaining a stable plover population."

West Mabou Beach is not appropriate for golf course "development"

#novascotia #capebreton #endangeredbird #PipingPlover

Last updated 2 years ago

NovaNaturalist · @NovaNaturalist
133 followers · 142 posts · Server

I'm often sceptical of critiques of conservation methods, as nuances may be critical but outside the narrative.
However, the "bounding box" approach requires the ability to provide active protection measures at the boundary of the grid square.

This is of course impossible.

I think there is confusion here with the declaring something protected and actually doing the work needed to protect.

This is a widespread and significant problem here in Nova Scotia in my experience.

is the bird on many licence plates.


Last updated 2 years ago