Pistol Whip ist ein grandioses Musikspiel mit viel Geballer #PS5 #VR2 #PistolWhip #Gameplay
#ps5 #VR2 #PistolWhip #gameplay
They've whipped up something special - Pistol Whip is one of several PSVR favourites getting the re-release treatment on P... #PistolWhip https://gamesense.co/game/pistol-whip/news/discuss/how-psvr2-is-making-pistol-whip-better-than-ever/
Meanwhile, I was playing #PistolWhip and feeling weirdly vulnerable. "Another Day" almost made me cry, despite trying for a personal best in a #VR rhythm shooter game. XD
We got any #VR players in the realm? I play lots of #EchoArena and #PistolWhip
Free upgrade for existing owners -
Pistol Whip is one of our favourite games f... #PistolWhip https://gamesense.co/game/pistol-whip/news/discuss/superb-rhythm-shooter-pistol-whip-targets-psvr/
Pistol Whip is getting a free cowboy update and new modifiers - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/-qJg_REZHDc/pistol-whip-is-getting-a-free-cowboy-update-and-new-modifiers #CloudheadGames #PistolWhip #FPS #VR
#CloudheadGames #PistolWhip #fps #vr