#Verteidigungsminister Boris #Pistorius im #Sportstudio mit einem großartigen Auftritt ( inklusive gewonnenem Torwandschießen 😄) https://x.com/lefthand_69/status/1700782500803387431?s=12&t=N13y1eYGJ4UCp5MLPfYcuA
#sportstudio #Pistorius #verteidigungsminister
"The war in #Ukraine shows us almost every day that defending our own country depends on air defense and sufficient ammunition," Minister Boris #Pistorius was quoted as saying. "With the resumption of production for the #Gepard #ammunition, we are focusing precisely on these two crucial aspects."
#UkraineRussiaWar #ammunition #gepard #Pistorius #Ukraine
RT Nataliya Pryhornytska
Ukrainische migrantische Selbstorganisationen in 🇩🇪 appellieren gemeinsam an @Bundeskanzler Scholz, @BMVg_Bundeswehr #Pistorius: liefern Sie bitte die dringend notwendigen Taurus-Marschflugkörper aus Deutschland an die Ukraine!
#AllianzUkrainischerOrganisationen @VitscheBerlin
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Pryhornytska/status/1690024961816035328
#Pistorius #AllianzUkrainischerOrganisationen
The fear of a possible escalation of #UkraineRussiaWar is shared within German Department of Defense and chancellor department. There seems to be great concern that #Ukraine could use cruise #missiles to attack targets far beyond the border with #Russia. MoD Boris #Pistorius has been reluctant to negative about "#Taurus" deliveries. "We are still of the opinion that this is not our top priority right now," he said recently.
#Germany #taurus #Pistorius #Russia #missiles #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar
When it came to military support in the war against #Russia, #Germany was "a leader in the field of #AirDefence, in support of training and in engineering and #ArmoredVehicles," emphasized #Pistorius. "This is our number one priority, our core competency." He therefore sees "no urgent need for a decision" on the #Taurus question.
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #taurus #Pistorius #ArmoredVehicles #airdefence #Germany #Russia
German Defense Minister Boris #Pistorius has again spoken out against the delivery of "#Taurus" cruise missiles to #Ukraine. "The concerns are obvious," said Pistorius when visiting a mountain infantry brigade in Bavaria. He referred to the "special range" of the weapon system of 500 kilometers. In addition, the #US did not deliver any #CruiseMissiles, the minister stressed.
#UkraineRussiaWar #cruisemissiles #US #Ukraine #taurus #Pistorius
Was nicht untergehen sollte, das sind die Gründe, weshalb die NATO Mitgliedschaft für die Ukrainer so dringlich ist. Hier der Appell der Allianz ukrainischer Organisationen ua an
@Bundeskanzler @ABaerbock @BMVg_Bundeswehr
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Nataliya Pryhornytska: #AllianzUkrainischerOrganisationen appelliert an @Bundeskanzler @ABaerbock #Pistorius
Bitte wiederholen Sie nicht den Fehler von 2008. Bitte ermöglichen Sie nachhaltige Sicherheitsgarantien für die Ukraine- stimmen Sie einer #NATO-Mitgliedschaft der #Ukraine zu. #UkraineInNATO https://t.co/US6Hogof1D
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RebHarms/status/1678398999559131136
#AllianzUkrainischerOrganisationen #Pistorius #nato #Ukraine #UkraineInNATO
I really can't figure out why the German MoD #Pistorius keeps talking about only providing the #Leopard 1A5s for Ukraine, together with Denmark. He repeatedly never mentions the Netherlands. I have even spoken and written with the German and Dutch MoD's about this.
The Dutch MoD assured me that they are still on board the Leopard 1A5 coalition. A spokeswoman for the German MoD also said to me on the phone that this must be an error in the German list (only Denmark is mentioned there as well).
The Ministers of Defence of #Germany and #Poland confirm the problems in the negotiations (but not the reasons) in a joint press conference. The German MoD Boris #Pistorius said the negotiations should be finished within the next 10 days.
Bester Tweet - mit Abstand - dieser politischen Woche 🤣 @BMVg_Bundeswehr 🪖
#Pistorius 🖖🏻 #Ampel 🚦
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toto: wichtig zu wissen: hier steigt der minister ein und nicht aus. https://t.co/vtFBRTWr4u
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Lambsdorff/status/1672223028535590914
It is too early for an assessment, said #Pistorius. "If you did that now, you would cloud the open view of what is actually happening." When asked about #Germany 's options, the minister replied: "In this situation we have no options for action. It is a domestic political conflict in #Russia. We cannot yet say whether this will develop into a power struggle."
#RussiaCrisis #Russia #Germany #Pistorius
From the German point of view Defense Minister Boris #Pistorius said, it is difficult to foresee the possible consequences of the armed uprising in #Russia for the war in #Ukraine. "It's difficult to estimate, especially since we don't know how unstable Russia will become and who will ultimately have the upper hand and who will team up with whom," he said on the sidelines of a party conference of the Lower Saxony SPD.
Es ist wieder so weit:
Die Ampel ruft den Volkssturm aus.
Mobilmachung von 16-jähriger....
Gehts noch?
#Bundeswehr #Pistorius #Wehrmacht #Militär #Krieg #Ampel #SPD #Grüne #FDP #DrittesReich #Weltkrieg #Kriegsdienst #Wehrpflicht
#bundeswehr #Pistorius #wehrmacht #militar #Krieg #Ampel #SPD #grune #FDP #drittesreich #weltkrieg #kriegsdienst #wehrpflicht
Il ministro della Difesa tedesco Boris #Pistorius ha dichiarato che la #Germania non sarà in grado di sostituire tutti i carri armati che vengono danneggiati o distrutti in battaglia in Ucraina, ma Berlino continuerà a consegnare a Kiev altri carri armati Leopard 2 a partire da luglio.
Sole 24 Ore
RT @joerglau: Ich konnte Verteidigungsminister Boris #Pistorius bei seiner Reise in #Mumbai zur Zerstörung des #KachowkaStaudamms befragen.
Boris Pistorius: "Man kann das nur als das bezeichnen, was es ist: nach dem, was ich über das Völkerrecht weiß, ist das ein glasklares Kriegsverbrechen,… https://t.co/FifvnnQgAj https://t.co/JfO5AkEd5a
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/bueti/status/1667249785223495680
#Pistorius #mumbai #KachowkaStaudamms
Il ministro della Difesa tedesco, Boris #Pistorius, ha definito l'attacco alla #diga di Kachowka in #Ucraina come un «chiaro crimine di guerra» e ritiene responsabile il presidente russo Vladimir #Putin.
La Stampa
#germania #Pistorius #diga #ucraina #Putin
Lesenswerter Teilnehmerbericht von dem gerade zuende gegangenen "Shangri-La Dialogforum" von Reinhard Bütikofer: Mit China scheint sich die nächste imperiale Macht warmzulaufen - der Autor vergleicht die Rede Li Shangfus mit der Putins auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2007. Außerdem Lob für Pistorius.
#Pistorius #ShangriLa #Putin #Russia #China #butikofer
Lesenswerter Teilnehmerbericht von dem gerade zuende gegangenen "Shangri-La Dialogforum" von Reinhard Bütikofer: Mit China scheint sich die nächste imperiale Macht warmzulaufen - der Autor vergleicht die Rede Li Shangfus mit der Putins auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2007. Außerdem Lob für Pistorius.
#Pistorius #ShangriLa #Putin #Russia #China #butikofer
RT @tagesschau: Shangri-La-Forum: China droht Taiwan mit Eroberung https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/taiwan-shangfu-100.html #TaiwanChinaKonflikt #USA #Pistorius
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/bueti/status/1665404488935415810
#TaiwanChinaKonflikt #USA #Pistorius
Arrival and doorstep by Boris #Pistorius , Federal Minister of Defence of #Germany, at the Foreign Affairs Council (#Defence) taking place on 23 May 2023 in #Brussels.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCouncilTVNews/status/1660921161272754178
#Pistorius #Germany #defence #Brussels