90. #Geburtstag Harald #Tangermann - Harald Tangermann und Peter #Daun waren ein schwules Unternehmer-Paar, das lange Jahre die #schwule Szene von #Hamburg maรgeblich mit prรคgte. Mit der frรผhen Fรถrderung von #TomofFinland #ToF sowie der einst grรถรten schwulen #Sauna Europas #ClubUhlenhorst, dem #Pit und dem #Tomโs hatten sie Bedeutung weit รผber Hamburg hinaus
#geburtstag #Tangermann #Daun #schwule #hamburg #tomoffinland #tof #sauna #clubuhlenhorst #Pit #tom
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For all the Digital Warriors out there (and those Warriors who just got back from the #pit)
You may want to check the security on all of your devices so that you are not being watched and listened to...
How to Protect Yourself From Camera and Microphone Hacking
Kyle breaks it down... he describes what he learned at the #pit...
This is well worth watching...
He explains the Tiger Operation... the Ripcord Operation...
Perhaps most importantly... he gives us the purpose of the event... to get everyone activated to poll watch and VOTE...
If Patriots overwhelm the system it will be harder for the enemy to steal elections.
Word is phoenix police tried to arrest #pit participants at the after party.
Accused of open carry in an open carry state?
This gets worse every day.
It feels like the 4th Reich is here, and has been for a while. We've just been asleep.
Just a few references on TS. Perhaps Gregg Phillips got it stopped.
I'm going to wager a guess that tomorrow Tucker Carlson will NOT cover the story of #TrueTheVote or anything RSBN covered in the #pit event today...
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So, if Tucker talks about UAPs (UFOs) or animals mutilated by aliens or anything like that...
I'm not watching.
#Pit talks.
Big reveal #1.
If you have signed up to be a pole watcher, for sure in several states, if not all (not sure) all of your information has been plugged straight into servers that are owned by the CCPโฆin Wuhan China. Confirmed. Not only your information, but your security pass codes to get in as a poll watcher, your credentials, the building schematics, work times, payroll, etc https://truthsocial.com/users/TrumperMel/statuses/108818243632681834
#Pit talks.
Big reveal #1.
If you have signed up to be a pole watcher, for sure in several states, if not all (not sure) all of your information has been plugged straight into servers that are owned by the CCPโฆin Wuhan China. Confirmed. Not only your information, but your security pass codes to get in as a poll watcher, your credentials, the building schematics, work times, payroll, etc https://truthsocial.com/users/TrumperMel/statuses/108818243632681834
#Pit talk
There is a list of 1.8 million election workers in the US worh their names, their info, their kids (kids names listed in all caps), their voter records, addresses, etc, all on a CCP server that lives in a university in China. https://truthsocial.com/users/TrumperMel/statuses/108818326975582949
#Pit talk
There is a list of 1.8 million election workers in the US worh their names, their info, their kids (kids names listed in all caps), their voter records, addresses, etc, all on a CCP server that lives in a university in China. https://truthsocial.com/users/TrumperMel/statuses/108818326975582949
Brian Cates sounds shocked at what Gregg Phillips is revealing now in the closed afternoon #Pit session.
How much worse is it than we already thought?