Chatham U faces budget woes. The fiscal flu that is coursing through higher ed is shaking the staff at one of Pittsburgh's universities, Emma Folts tells us in an investigative scoop #highered #Pittsburgh
Shelters in Allegheny County appear to be at or near capacity, and that's likely to continue following the Friday closure of the overflow space at Second Avenue Commons. @publicsource has the story #housing #homelessness #Pittsburgh
#housing #homelessness #Pittsburgh
Our garden seems to be supporting a wide variety of bug life. Today I watched yellowjackets feast on a cut-up worm while blue-winged wasps buzzed nearby. On Friday we had a dragonfly swarm over just our property, for about 15 minutes. A bit hard to see but there were hundreds.
#gardening #urbangardening #growyourown #Pittsburgh
Hey college #journalism students: Summer's unofficial end is the perfect time to start thinking about spring internships. #Pittsburgh-based @publicsource is a great place for interns. Details and a link to apply are here: #journalismjobs
#Journalism #Pittsburgh #journalismjobs
#WWE presents #WWEPayback #Kickoff streaming live tonight at 7pm ET/4pm PT/11pm UTC from the #PPGPaintsArena in #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania on #Peacock in the U.S. & #WWENetwork everywhere else and all digital platforms, including #Twitch!
#Twitch #wwenetwork #peacock #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #PPGPaintsArena #kickoff #WWEPayback #wwe
#WWE presents #WWEPayback #Kickoff streaming live tonight at 7pm ET/4pm PT/11pm UTC from the #PPGPaintsArena in #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania on #Peacock in the U.S. & #WWENetwork everywhere else and all digital platforms, including #Twitch!
#Twitch #wwenetwork #peacock #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #PPGPaintsArena #kickoff #WWEPayback #wwe
#WWE presents #WWEPayback #Kickoff streaming live at 7pm ET/4pm PT/11pm UTC from the #PPGPaintsArena in #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania on #Peacock in the U.S. & #WWENetwork everywhere else and all digital platforms, including #Twitch!
#WWE presents #WWEPayback streaming live at 8pm ET/5pm PT/Midnight UTC from the #PPGPaintsArena in #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania on #Peacock in the U.S. & #WWENetwork everywhere else
(2 of 2)
#Twitch #wwenetwork #peacock #Pennsylvania #Pittsburgh #PPGPaintsArena #kickoff #WWEPayback #wwe
Tent encampments can be removed by the city if they are within 10 feet of #Pittsburgh roads, trails or sidewalks, or for numerous other reasons under a new policy, @publicsource reports #homeless #housing
#Pittsburgh #homeless #housing
#Pittsburgh people - are there any computer and electronics stores (similar to #Microcenter ) in town? Especially if there are any on the North side of Pittsburgh.
Something far more serious and somber from when I wandered around Pittsburgh on June 30: at the #HeinzMuseum they had an amazing Smithsonian exhibit on The Green Book and segregation in the early 20th century spanning all the way into the 1970s. Somber and eye-opening.
There was an amazing interactive exhibit where you were taking a trip through the US and making decisions based on information in the Green Book. Extremely well-done.
#segregation #greenbook #Pittsburgh #heinzmuseum
#Biotech and #robotics are converging on Hazelwood, a #Pittsburgh neighborhood of 4,000 that contends with low incomes and modest educational attainment. Have universities, developers done enough to engage the community? @publicsource explores the issues
#biotech #robotics #Pittsburgh
#Pittsburgh is a police state and you shouldn't live here or visit here
moving to Pittsburgh is one of the worst mistakes I have made in my entire life
Starting to save my mass transit tickets as keepsakes when I go to different cities.
#Pittsburgh on the left (went to Pittsburgh for exploration/shopping/R&R before the 4th of July, that happened to be the day when #anthrocon was happening - absolutely wild day that ended up being) and #ClevelandOH on the right - last week for some R&R.
#trainticket #masstransit #clevelandoh #anthrocon #Pittsburgh
Coming soon: To get public feedback on future development, Middletown Township #Pennsylvania will launch a mapping tool “where residents can draw desired bike routes, sidewalks and trails. Also can note sidewalk gaps, desired crosswalk locations, challenging areas and areas of safety concerns.”
#AutofreiPA #FuckCars #WarOnCars #TheWarOnCars #autofrei #Urbanism #15minuteCities #CarBrain #WalkableCities #StrongTowns #cycling #PA #Pittsburgh #philadelphia
#pennsylvania #autofreipa #FuckCars #waroncars #TheWarOnCars #Autofrei #urbanism #15minutecities #CarBrain #walkablecities #strongtowns #cycling #PA #Pittsburgh #philadelphia
Blocked the person who posted this trash take and you should too. #pittsburgh
Mayor Gainey ran and won in the wake of George Floyd's death. Police accountability activists are starting to wonder, though, if major changes to #Pittsburgh's public safety approach are in the cards, @Chwolfson of @publicsource reports
It really should go without saying, but please, for crying out loud, do not bring loaded firearms to an airport and bring it through security without declaring it:
#facepalm #airport #Pittsburgh
Private student loans - often with higher interest rates than federal loans - disproportionately hamstring Black borrowers and weigh heavy in #Pittsburgh's ed debt #highered #studentloans
#Pittsburgh #highered #studentloans
A rare win for the #Pittsburgh Land Bank: City Council backs off amendments that would have preserved council vetoes of land sales, and approves new agreement
When someone calls 911 28 times in a short period with the same narrative, you can bet there's an underlying problem. Here's the data - and the #Pittsburgh Fire Bureau team that's trying to address the troubles of "high utilizers"