Another shot of my wee friend, gorgeous and clearly a risk taker - he flitted so close to my feet I had to dodge him a few times!
#birdwatching #Fantail #Piwakawaka
This cheeky beauty kept me company, I think I was being an excellent bug kicker-upper
#birdwatching #Fantail #Piwakawaka
Intrigued by the joint foraging behaviour of #pīwakawaka and #tauhou. Pīwakawaka work along the edge of and swoop out into an open area from perch to perch at a height of 2m or so; little groups of tauhou stay much more within foliage, but often move in parallel
Today's excitement: two #kahu swooping and diving at each other over urban Riccarton. Plus very active #pīwakawaka in the backyard, working along the insect buffet.
Wandering campus last night for the lab where I guide people in recognising #lightPollution and its impacts on habitat. Something I'd never seen before: at one blazing unshielded light above a stream - a carefully revegetated habitat - a #pīwakawaka was actively flying around catching insects! Well past astronomical twilight. 😫
Oh nice... just heard + sighted a #piwakawaka in the tree out the window, chirping away in the rain. First one I've seen in months!
On a day in #Zealandia when it wasn't raining cats and dogs this #Piwakawaka came to say hi.
Another one of our Piwakawaka friend from the backyard, you may think it was posing for this shot and you'd likely be right!
A Piwakawaka friend from the backyard.