@Plach Ich warte auf den Tag, an dem Google ein #PixelTablet mit LTS und einer Managementsoftware für Apps und Berechtigungen herausbringt. Das kann dann gerne noch zu einem Google-freien Android umgestellt werden.
Die #iPad-Koffer nerven nur noch und verwirren die SuS durch Design- und Bedienungs-Wechsel mit jedem iPadOS-Update.
Lilbits: Sony buys Audeeze, MSI leaks Raptor Lake-S details, and previews of upcoming Android features #Android, #Chips, #Ecs, #EcsLiva, #EcsLivaQ3d, #EcsLivaQ3h, #GoogleCast, #HoldCloseToCast, #Leaks, #Lilbits, #LivaQ, #Msi, #PixelTablet, #RaptorLakes, #Stylus
#android #chips #ecs #ecsliva #ecslivaq3d #ecslivaq3h #googlecast #holdclosetocast #leaks #lilbits #livaq #msi #PixelTablet #raptorlakes #stylus
I actually really am enjoying mouse + keyboard support on a Pixel Tablet.
I have Codespaces loaded and can hack away in VSCode without issue so far, even when using Terraform + Docker to build a test environment across multiple repositories. At first I thought this setup wouldn't work... but this is actually a viable travel setup (so long as you have internet).
#PixelTablet #codespaces #github #android #vscode
@bradlinder That happens to all closed hardware eventually. #PixelTablet has an unlocked bootloader, open development, and sits on a stand like a smart display.
My top apps I run on my #GrapheneOS #Pixel6 and #PixelTablet
#Brave browser, #tutanota email client, #KeePassDX, #Tusky, #Signal, #Netflix, #Disney+, #GooglePlayStore (yes, I know...)
#GooglePlayStore #Disney #Netflix #Signal #Tusky #keepassdx #tutanota #Brave #PixelTablet #pixel6 #grapheneos
@GrapheneOS - just wanted to give you a quick shout out: I am sooo happy with both my #Pixel6 and the #PixelTablet running on #GrapheneOS. working like a charm, using the hussle-free webinstaller you guys provide. Big Up!
#grapheneos #PixelTablet #pixel6
Pixel Tablet - original Google Case für 99€ | Fazit
#teampixel #PixelTablet
Ja, irgendwie mag ich es, auch wenn es so weit weg von fertig und ausgereift ist 😁
Watching @rangezoomtYT |‘s newest video about the #PixelTablet on an Pixel Tablet :D #madebygoogle
Ich habe eine Meinung zum #Google #PixelTablet , habe mich vor die Kamera gesetzt und meine Gedanken ausgesprochen.
#teampixel #madebygoogle https://youtu.be/mJ18DhQFUl4
#google #PixelTablet #teampixel #madebygoogle
Google has done a lot of work to make Android more tablet-friendly in recent years, including adding better stylus support. While the new Pixel Tablet supports USI 2.0 pens, Google doesn't offer its own. But official Pixel Tablet pen & keyboard accessories could be on the way. https://www.androidauthority.com/pixel-tablet-stylus-keyboard-accessories-3337476/
#PixelTablet #digitalpen #stylus #keyboard #google
Got a new #PixelTablet?
Check out #trunksapp for a great large screen experience.
Wie lange, denkt ihr, wird es dauern, bis sich der hohe Preis für das #PixelTablet hier in Deutschland nach unten bewegt?
Why the heck does #PixelTablet start with 679 € in Germany? It's 740 bucks, against the US starting price of $499. A markup of more than 36%!
Interestingly enough, the markup on #Pixel phones isn't nearly as high: $499 ⇒ $555 for 7a (11%), $1799 ⇒ $2074 (15%) for the Fold.
Hm, vielleicht habe ich doch Lust auf das Google Pixel Tablet 🤔
#madebygoogle #pixeltablet #google
#madebygoogle #PixelTablet #google
More Google Pixel Tablet details have leaked: expect 8GB of RAM, two options for storage, an aluminum body with a "nanoceramic finish akin to porcelain" and four color options. It's expected to ship with a charging/speaker dock. https://9to5google.com/2023/04/17/source-pixel-tablet-ram-colors-dock/
#PixelTablet #google #googlepixeltablet #leaks
Tech Addicts Podcast – Sunday 9th April – An Ally Nomad
Asus ROG Ally, Sega Nomad, Sony ZV-E1, Lenovo Legion, Pixel Tablet, Sony WF-C700N, Marshall, PlayStation Q, Data Frog, TikTok, Vivaldi and more
#Podcast #TechAddicts #AsusROGAlly #DataFrog #LenovoLegion #Marshall #PixelTablet #PlayStationQ #SegaNomad #SonyWF-C700N #SonyZV-E1 #TikTok #Vivaldi
#vivaldi #TikTok #sonyzv #SonyWF #seganomad #playstationq #PixelTablet #marshall #LenovoLegion #datafrog #asusrogally #techaddicts #Podcast
FCC documents for what's probably the upcoming Google Pixel Tablet confirm that it will have Ultra Wide Band (UWB) connectivity, although it's unclear what you'll actually be able to use it for. https://9to5google.com/2023/04/04/pixel-tablet-fcc-uwb/
#googlepixeltablet #PixelTablet #uwb #tablet