Plan, pack, tramp: Getting into (and safely out of) the bush this summer. | By Ben Fahy
#partner #planmywalk
Lake Angelus from near 1805 summit. Also a pic from approach up Cascade Track. Awesome trip, in Cascade out Robert's. Perhaps my favorite area of NZ. #tramping #hiking #NZTwits #PlanMyWalk #MSC
#tramping #hiking #NZTwits #PlanMyWalk #msc
My day job is for the Mountain Safety Council. If you or your friends tramp, tell them to check out our free app. #PlanMyWalk for track ideas, weather, packing list and intentions built in. Link is to web page, app in the usual places.
#NZtwits #tramping #backpacking #walking
#PlanMyWalk #NZTwits #tramping #backpacking #walking