People Before Profit Galway welcomes cancellation of plans for Tynagh gas plant
"Denman Rooke, candidate for Galway City East, said the science behind addressing future climate change shows us that we have to leave a majority of known fossil fuel reserves in the ground."
#PeopleBeforeProfit #PlanetBeforeProfit #PBP #EcoSocialism #ClimateAction
#peoplebeforeprofit #PlanetBeforeProfit #pbp #ecosocialism #climateaction
The Puffins are out in force on the #BiodiversityMarch at #TheBigOne #climate demo!
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #saveourseas #PlanetBeforeProfit #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch
#PlanetBeforeProfit banner on the #BiodiversityMarch at #TheBigOne #climate demo
#ClimateEmergency #NatureEmergency #ClimateJustice
Photo by Sinead, #WestWalesClimateCoalition
#westwalesclimatecoalition #climatejustice #NatureEmergency #climateemergency #climate #thebigone #biodiversitymarch #PlanetBeforeProfit
Humans are treating the #planet like a terrible band that's been given a hotel by their label, trashing the furniture, breaking windows, doors, stabbing the mattress and peeing on the sheets because they're not personally responsible. Except someone has to pay for it all, the future foots the bill. We need to be better, I'm sad to see what we're doing
#PlanetBeforeProfit #ClimateReparationNow #ResponsibleTogether
#ResponsibleTogether #climatereparationnow #PlanetBeforeProfit #Planet
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise we cannot eat money.
- Cree Indian Proverb
#PlanetBeforeProfit #peoplebeforeprofit #WorldEnvironmentDay