Played #PlanetUnknown for the first time last night (yeah, I sat on it for a really long time after the Kickstarter :blobfoxfacepalm:). Summary: multiplayer 2D Tetris in space with a side of point salad.
It was fun! I really liked the mechanic of driving the rovers around to collect things. I also learned that bringing the game to a close by making a non-compact board is a poor strategy 😅
Played #PlanetUnknown for the first time last night (yeah, I sat on it for a really long time after the Kickstarter blobfoxfacepalm). Summary: multiplayer Tetris in space with a side of point salad.
It was fun! I learned that bringing the game to a close by making a non-compact board is a poor strategy 😅
Und wieder ein #Spieleabend. Diesmal mit drei großen Spielen:
#Heat kam frisch aus dem Karton, das kam bei mir zu dritt und im einfachen Modus nicht gegen #Downforce an. Wird weiter ausprobiert.
#PlanetUnknown war ein nettes Plättchen Puzzle. Ich muss noch nachsehen ob es auf deutsch einen ähnlich charmanten Begriff wie 'Lazy Susan' gibt.
Und #Erde fand ich letzte Woche schon spannend, das wird auch nicht zum letzten Mal auf dem Tisch gewesen sein.
#spieleabend #heat #downforce #PlanetUnknown #erde #brettspiele
A strange feline alien race has interrupted our terraforming project! Fortunately it seems to be contained. #boardgames #cats #PlanetUnknown
#PlanetUnknown #cats #boardgames
All set for another round of #PlanetUnknown. With the #Gametrayz inserts the game takes only moments to set up.
Sticking with the base game + private objectives
#TileLaying #terraforming #boardgames #Gametrayz #PlanetUnknown
Gen Con 2022: breve analisi dei 10 giochi più attesi della fiera #LastLight #Skymines #GreatWesternTrailArgentina #GenCon2022 #Coraquest #Septima #ArkNova #StarshipCaptains #Ra #PlanetUnknown #TuringMachine #TerracottaArmy #Evidenza #31luglio
#31luglio #evidenza #TerracottaArmy #turingmachine #PlanetUnknown #ra #StarshipCaptains #ArkNova #Septima #Coraquest #GenCon2022 #GreatWesternTrailArgentina #Skymines #LastLight