Feeling overwhelmed by the data and facts about the #PlanetaryCrisis, but I won't back down! 🌍 Seeing those numbers on mass extinction, air pollution, and tipping points at 1.5°C everything is grave.
We need to hold our elected office accountable as a team of citizens. It’s already late.
Let's inspire others to join the movement! 💪#ClimateAction #PersonalImpact
#PlanetaryCrisis #ClimateAction #personalimpact
This is a planetary crisis
Is there time for The Next Great Transformation?
#bookProposal #AnnPettifor #planetaryCrisis #climateBreakdown #economics #politics #theSystem
#thenextgreattransformation #thesystem #politics #economics #climatebreakdown #PlanetaryCrisis #annpettifor #bookproposal
Von unserem Twitteraccount:
"Michael Flammer #KlimaVor8
Jul 10
»Dear friends, scientifically, this is not a #ClimateCrisis. We are now facing something deeper. Mass extinction. Air pollution. Undermining ecosystem functions. Really putting humanity’s future at risk. This is a #PlanetaryCrisis.«
— Professor @jrockstrom,
director @PIK_Climate"
#KlimaVor8 #ClimateCrisis #PlanetaryCrisis #KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #KlimaWandel
We are now facing something deeper. Mass extinction. Air pollution. Undermining ecosystem functions. Really putting humanity’s future at risk. This is a #PlanetaryCrisis."
— Professor
Historic win for 🌍 & humanity w/ UN States agreeing to 1st treaty to protect #HighSeas
A pivotal step to reversing #PlanetaryCrisis as #oceans provide oxygen, vital ecosystem, livelihoods & absorb CO2. And victory for intl cooperation.
Let's now push for adoption & implementation.
#oceans #PlanetaryCrisis #highseas
Mesures desesperades?
Amb les renovables, s'està plantejant usar aigua dessalada per altres usos més enllà de l'aigua de boca.
A Israel, per reemplenar la mar de Galilea.
I ara, per crear boscos artificials, generant nous ecositemes i capturant CO2.
De totes maneres, això seria una laminació de CO2, perquè un cop s'aturés la dessalanització, els boscos desapareixerien i retornarien bona part del CO2 a l'atmosfera.
#PlanetaryCrisis #climateemergency #afforestation
Certament, no som davant d'una crisi climàtica, sinó d'una crisi planetària.
No superar 1,5ºC d'escalfament no és un objectiu polític, és un objectiu científic.
Ens enfrontem al col·lapse del sistema alimentari mundial, d'ecosistemes sencers i una extinció massiva a escala geològica.
#climatecrisis #PlanetaryCrisis
@PIK_climate Indeed. People in the position of really knowing & crafting the calls to action are failing in their motivational quest thru pure linguistics alone.
Not #ClimateCrisis > #PlanetaryCrisis.
Even #LifeasUsualCrisis.
Not #HumanRights > #HumanExtinction.
Imperative to translate #science into mainstream values + vice versa…w/ goal of xforming mainstream values. #UTOK #SystemsChange #SystemicChange #sciencecomms
#sciencecomms #systemicchange #SystemsChange #utok #Science #humanextinction #HumanRights #lifeasusualcrisis #PlanetaryCrisis #ClimateCrisis
"The “climate crisis” has evolved into a “planetary,” “safety” and “justice” crisis, as well as a crisis of the spirit, according to a recent presentation at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting."
#ClimateCrisis #planetarycrisis #ClimateChange
#migration #ClimateChange #PlanetaryCrisis #ClimateCrisis
If you do nothing else today, please listen to Prof. Johan Rockström's rapid fire presentation opening (the first 3 minutes) at the WEF. The future of your children, indeed the whole of humanity, depends on it and your resulting actions.
#climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #EarthSystem #PlanetaryCrisis #PlanetaryBoundaries #TippingPoints #WEF23 https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2023/sessions/leading-the-charge-through-earths-new-normal
#climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #earthsystem #PlanetaryCrisis #planetaryboundaries #tippingpoints #wef23
#UttarPradesh to #Odisha, young #Indians are on the frontline of a 'triple #PlanetaryCrisis'
These are real stories of young Indians at the frontlines of the triple planetary crisis — nature and #biodiversity loss, #ClimateChange, and #pollution.
The hard truth is that the #IPCC shows #India will be among the countries worst hit by the triple planetary crisis. Its fragile ecosystems are already facing irreversible damage.
#uttarpradesh #odisha #indians #PlanetaryCrisis #biodiversity #climatechange #pollution #ipcc #india