Let's talk about the future that kids and grandkids today face in the future.
They won't have access to clean air, clean water, even clean ground. All 3 of these are already polluted to the point of killing thousands of ppl every year.
None of these will get better in the future under our current BAU plan.
Human activity has caused the climate crisis. It's not hard to see that ending the most harmful of our activities is the best option if we are serious about addressing CC.
Worried about losing the perks in life that 1st world countries now enjoy?
Guess what.
Future generations won't have a choice. They'll never see the frivolities we take for granted every day.
If we aren't willing to sacrifice this wasteful lifestyle now, can we really say we care about their future?
I don't even have kids, but I'm willing to sacrifice now in an effort to make their bleak future just a bit better.
#ClimateCrisis #collapse #bauissuicide #Planetfirst #endallflying #rationffsnow #renewableswillnotsaveus #justcollapse
RT @Earth911
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money." - Cree Proverb
#Sustainability #Proverbs #Earthfirst #Planetfirst #Sustainable #Ecofriendly #Sustainablelife
#sustainability #proverbs #EarthFirst #Planetfirst #sustainable #ecofriendly #sustainablelife