De overheid heeft besloten de #suikertaks op bijna alle melksoorten toe te passen per januari 2024. De enige manier om hier als melkfabrikant onderuit te komen is door koeien te misbruiken: alleen melk van koeien (inclusief chocomel!) vormt een uitzondering.
Dat dit helemaal nergens op slaat hoef ik jullie natuurlijk niet uit te leggen. Willen jullie dan ook deze petitie tekenen om politieke besluitvormers te lobbyen?
Good news! 🌱 🙌 The FDA will allow for calling #PlantBasedMilk milk. Turns out that consumers are not misled by the use of the term “milk” for plant-based milk, who would have thought?!
The FDA recommends to add a voluntary nutrient comparison on the packaging such that the consumer can make informed decisions.
Shoutout to #ProVegInternational for raising awareness to this issue.
#proveginternational #PlantBasedMilk
"I stick my hand up this cow's vagina to inject her with semen, so she will give birth, so I can kill her baby and steal her milk."
When you put it like this, it does sound gross, doesn't it? Source:
#veganism #PlantBasedMilk #plantbased
Trying a new plant based milk in my chia chocolate pudding. It's quite good, had it with tea as well.💚 #Planetary #PlantBasedMilk
To help make #Mastodon connections: list 5-7 things that aren't in your profile but that interest you as #tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same. #community #plantbased #plantbasedmilk #tea #books #dessert
#dessert #Books #Tea #PlantBasedMilk #plantbased #Community #tags #Mastodon
பால் பண்ணைகளில் பசுவதைக்கு மூக்கணாங்கயிறு… ‘வீகன்’ எனும் தாவர பாலுக்கு மாறும் மேற்கத்திய நாடுகள் via
#vegan #plantbasedfood #plantbased #PlantBasedMilk #dairyfree #DairyIndustry #Cow
#cow #DairyIndustry #dairyfree #PlantBasedMilk #plantbased #plantbasedfood #vegan