I'm meeting the director of the Bureau of Land Management tomorrow and plan on asking about affordable chinese made drones and the impact of wild horses and cattle on rare plants. Anything else you think might be good? #plantecology #rangemanagement
#PlantEcology #rangemanagement
Don't miss the deadline for abstract submission on April 30th for #EMAPi2023!
The conference will take place in beautiful Pucón (that alone is a must), and it has a line up of 6 amazing keynote speakers (check them out here: emapi2023.com).
Looking forward to seeing u all there!
#emapi2023 #plantinvasions #ecology #PlantEcology
The 1st researchers that had an #evolutionary view of #fire were probably EB Poulton (when looking at fire beetles 1915) & WL Jepson (studying #Arctostaphylos 1922)
1) Do you know of any other earlier?
2) Do you know of any woman with such view earlier than 1970?
https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102320-095612 | @AnnualReviews
@wildfirescience #evolutionary #ecology #FireEcology #PlantEcology #evolution
#evolution #PlantEcology #fireecology #ecology #arctostaphylos #fire #evolutionary
Final version available #OA:
#Seed #dormancy revisited: Dormancy-release pathways and environmental interactions
https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2435.14269 #FunctionaEcology
Seed dormancy glossary: https://jgpausas.blogs.uv.es/2023/02/01/seed-dormancy-a-glossary/
This is a complement to our previous review paper on seed dormancy in #fire-prone ecosystems
@plantscience #PlantEcology #PlantScience #Botany #SeedDormancy
#SeedDormancy #botany #plantscience #PlantEcology #fire #functionaecology #Dormancy #seed #oa
Today I contributed to the range expansion of Xylococcus bicolor, mission manzanita, by ~50 miles in the Los Angeles area. Image shoes me holding the leaves and the sprouting bud. #botany #plantecology #california #losangeles
#botany #PlantEcology #california #LosAngeles
Contour lines (#terraced old-fields) with young #pines that regenerated massively from the 2007 #fire, now fully #burnt again (fire 8/2022). Recurrent fires
#Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine)
#IFCostur Castelló, E Spain
@wildfirescience #PlantEcology #ecology #landscape #landscapeecology
#LandscapeEcology #landscape #ecology #PlantEcology #ifcostur #pinus #burnt #fire #Pines #terraced
Rock outcrops as #fire refugia for fire-sensitive species such as #Juniperus phoenicea
@wildfirescience #botany #PlantScience #PlantEcology #ecology #postfire
#postfire #ecology #PlantEcology #plantscience #botany #spain #castello #ifcostur #juniperus #fire
When a #fire #burns a #mediterranean #shrublands, it open the space for beauties like #Narcissus assoanus that blooms massively after #fire - Fire-stimulated #flowering
7 months #postfire #IFCostur Castelló, Spain
@wildfirescience #botany #PlantScience #PlantEcology #ecology
#ecology #PlantEcology #plantscience #botany #ifcostur #postfire #flowering #narcissus #shrublands #mediterranean #Burns #fire
🐝🌎A new Special Issue is coming!
We remind you that we are preparing a new SI on “Floral ecology, genetics, and evolution in an unprecedentedly fast changing world”
Led by Section Chief Editor Xavier Pico Mercader and Guest Editors Juan Arroyo,
AnnaTraveset and Mario Vallejo-Marín
#PlantEcology #PlantEvolution #plantgenetics
@douglasvb @sarae @ingalls When my dad was transferred to DC, we moved to #Reston Virginia. It was summer '68. Reston was still a tiny enclave then, with LOTS of #Forest and streams throughout. Me and a bunch of other lads went nuts, roaming the woods all day. Those experiences set me on a trajectory, to (after some detours) eventually study #Biology , #Botany , #PlantEcology , #Evolution ...and (further detours) #AtmosphericScience .
#reston #forest #biology #botany #PlantEcology #evolution #atmosphericscience
California native plant nerds, if you had to answer the question or else your yard would get turnt into a non-native lawn, do you think of Acmispon glaber as a shrub or a perennial herb? You only get those two options and none of this factual, well, it depends. Bee on a deerweed. #cnps #californianativeplantsociety #californianativeplants #nativeplants #plantecology
#cnps #californianativeplantsociety #californianativeplants #nativeplants #PlantEcology
Presented my poster at #srm23 in Boise, my poster and research is titled "Invasive plants driving wildfire". You can find my thesis on Google Scholar by searching RM Rachman wildfire. Feel free to ask me questions. #invasiveplants #firefollowers #plantecology #california #botany #wildfire
#srm23 #invasiveplants #firefollowers #PlantEcology #california #botany #wildfire
What do you mean by inherent, innate, imposed, physical, physiological, morphological, primary, or secondary, ... dormancy?
How is dormancy released?
Is dormancy a bet-hedging strategy?
Definitions here: https://jgpausas.blogs.uv.es/2023/02/01/seed-dormancy-a-glossary/
#SeedDormancy #botany #plantscience #PlantEcology #Dormancy #seed
#plantecology #conservation #rarespecies #insects #butterflies #monarchbutterflies #butterfly #butterflies #communityscience #stem #ecology #migration #northamerica #california
#PlantEcology #conservation #rarespecies #insects #butterflies #monarchbutterflies #butterfly #communityscience #stem #ecology #migration #northamerica #california
"While reviewing the literature on #fire-released #seed #dormancy (https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.12855) we became aware of limitations and disparities in current terminology ..." - Byron Lamont
So I helped Byron to make some clarification!
Seed dormancy revisited: dormancy-release pathways and environmental interactions https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1365-2435.14269 #FuncionalEcology
#germination #PlantScience #PlantEcology @wildfirescience #fireecology #botany @plantscience
#botany #fireecology #PlantEcology #plantscience #germination #funcionalecology #Dormancy #seed #fire
Estimating the age of #mediterranean #pines & their #cones is tricky, as they often produce more than 1 whorl per year!
Pic: #Pinus halepensis. From the bottom upwards: 🔵arrows: 1st whorl of a growing season;🔴&🟢arrows: 2nd & 3rd whorl of the same year. Note the #serotinous #cones in the left pic.
Article: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/oik.09373
#PlantEcology #PlantScience #fireecology #trees #pinaceae #ecology @wildfirescience
#ecology #pinaceae #trees #fireecology #plantscience #PlantEcology #serotinous #pinus #cones #Pines #mediterranean
This old growth Purshia tridentata, antelope bitterbrush, stealing hearts and taking phone numbers. It was like 15 feet of old growth hubba hubba. Talk about mule deer forage and migratory wildlife habitat. Shrubs are pretty much everything. How could you not take a selfie under its gracious canopy cover. #sagebrushserious #sagebrushsteppe #shrubs #botany #plantecology
#sagebrushserious #sagebrushsteppe #shrubs #botany #PlantEcology
@AK This blew my mind when I first learned it. Plants "see" their competitors coming and they act strategically based on this information. And later I learned that some plants emit airborne chemicals when they're being eaten by insects, and their neighbours listen in and ramp up their chemical defenses in anticipation of the insects arriving.
Plants are so weird and different compared to animals, but in their own way they can still be "clever".
#botany #PlantEcology
Well i guess this is really happening… looking forward to reconnecting with community of #PlantEcology, #PlantEvolution, and #Conservation folks on this new platform. Already seeing some familiar faces!
I am a plant ecologist based at #SmithCollege focused on questions around plant conservation and #ClimateChange, with some developing projects exploring #CarnivorousPlants as well as #mycorrhizae. My lab involves mostly undergraduates #PUI and often collaborates w/ #SmithCollegeBotanicGarden.
#PlantEcology #PlantEvolution #conservation #SmithCollege #climatechange #carnivorousplants #mycorrhizae #PUI #smithcollegebotanicgarden
To folks into #Botany and #PlantEcology and #EvolutionaryBotany I highly recommend #CrimePaysButBotanyDoesnt, on #YouTube. Salty Chicago auto didactic who takes viewers into the field.
#botany #PlantEcology #evolutionarybotany #CrimePaysButBotanyDoesnt #youtube