RT @SierraScientist@twitter.com
Still thinking about Denmark and #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 Truly a conference of a lifetime!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SierraScientist/status/1595449833904812032
This week, BIE group was at two conferences in 🇩🇰: @neftalyl and @RStannius presented their @cemist_dtu projects at the DMS 2022 congress, while @Xinming_Xu, @AdelePioppi, and @CajaDinesen discussed their CSC and #NNF_INTERACT projects at #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022
#NNF_INTERACT #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022
Great table companionship yesterday night at #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 about wine, photography, science careers, and life stories…
Thank you, @SessitschAngela, Jos Raaijmakers, @EAlexandersson (#WineExpert), @RameshVetukuri, and @TonniGrube
#PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 #wineexpert
RT @ScienceCluster
Continuing the session on methods and #technologies for #plant #microbiome interrogation with @Manuel_Kleiner 🌱
The talk was on understanding key microbial functions related to #plant-microbe interactions #metaproteomics 🪴
#technologies #plant #microbiome #metaproteomics #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022
RT @ScienceCluster
How to find #prokaryotic and #eukaryotic biosynthetic #gene clusters in #metagenomes? 🤔
@PronkLotte, the last speaker of #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 is telling us more about it! 🦠
#science #plant #whokaryote
#prokaryotic #eukaryotic #gene #metagenomes #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 #Science #plant #whokaryote
Amy Grunden (from @NCState) concludes the scientific part of #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022
That’s it, Folks!
#PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 #SlaapLekker
Lotte highlights that indeed, they found new, fungal BGCs in the samples from @VCarryOn1 et al story above
➡️ application on metagenomes for visualizing eukaryotic BGCs
Also, need to separate pro- and eukaryote metagenome
Lotte introduces “Whokaryotes”, published in Microbial Genomics @MicrobioSoc 👇🏼
However, do we miss the eukaryotic share of BGCs in metagenomes❓
Most tools focus on prokaryotes ▶️ need to adapt pipelines for eukaryotes, e.g. introns in eukaryotes, different gene density
Lotte highlights antiSMASH and its usefulness to identify BGCs, even in metagenomes
Example used here: @VCarryOn1 et al in @ScienceMagazine on how to identify BGCs in metagenomes and meta transcriptomes ➡️over 700 BGCs
Lotte Pronk @PronkLotte (from @marnixmedema group at @WUR) on finding prokaryotic and eukaryotic biosynthetic gene clusters in metagenomes
Manuel on Roberto Kolter’s 7 members SynCom (assembled based on maize endophytes) in vitro and on plant proteomics, including general response of certain SynCom members to plant root colonization
Manuel describes their very recent study on plant microbiome proteome (note: lots of plant proteins as well that you can analyze)
RT @jmharris777
Evaluation of Protein Extraction Methods for Metaproteomic Analyses of Root-Associated Microbes - valuable analysis by Fernanda Salvato et al https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/10.1094/MPMI-05-22-0116-TA #OpenAccess
#PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 #openaccess
Manuel microbes in a microbiome, but what are they doing? 🟰 metaproteomics‼️
However, cell lysis is an important step in the pipeline
See @NatureComms 👇🏼
RT @ScienceCluster
Have you ever wondered about the #genomics and #metabolomics of #yeasts from the wheat #phyllosphere? 🌾
Here is @VivianeCordovez speaking about it at #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022! 🌱
#conference #science
#genomics #metabolomics #yeasts #phyllosphere #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022 #conference #Science
Manuel Kleiner @Manuel_Kleiner (from @NCState @NCStateCALS; #NNF_INTERACT #NNF_InRoot) on understanding key microbial functions related to plant-microbe interactions using metaproteomics
#NNF_INTERACT #NNF_InRoot #metaproteomics #PlantMicrobeInteractions2022
Ruben currently developing synthetic microbial ecosystems - turbidostat with OD controlled addition of carbon free medium
22 member SynCom for 125 days of closed systems▶️different types of interactions▶️is there evolution? [unpublished, but cool‼️]
Ruben also highlights that there is a great taxonomic overlap between root and physphere microbiota ➡️ testing SynCom based on abundances in the microbiomes➡️metabolic currencies exchanged in synthetic phycospheres
Ruben on characterization of Chlamydomonas phycosphere
See their @NatureComms paper👇🏼
During time: soil ASV decrease with Phycosphere ASV increase in phycosphere samples 🟰similarly in Arabidopsis roots