I moved instances, so here's an #introduction again. Currently Iām employed as a Bioeconomic modeller for the state of Western Australia in Perth working in agricultural systems. I have training in #agronomy, #PlantPathology, #Epidemiology and #GIS. Interested in using and promoting #OpenScience, #ReproducibleResearch, #OpenSource, and #OpenAccess. I use #RStats and #JuliaLang for my work.
#introduction #agronomy #PlantPathology #Epidemiology #gis #OpenScience #ReproducibleResearch #opensource #openaccess #rstats #julialang
This tag team is deadly! Understanding the interaction between #Phytophthora and #Fusarium and its impact on #soybean can help us develop the #crops of the future. Read on!šā¬ļøšhttps://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13505 ā¦
#JIPB #PlantSci #CropSci #phytopathology #PlantPathology #PlantScience
#phytophthora #fusarium #soybean #crops #JIPB #plantsci #cropsci #phytopathology #PlantPathology #plantscience
Not good news about citrus greening in California. But it is good to see my friend, Neil McRoberts quoted in it. https://modernfarmer.com/2023/07/theres-no-cure-for-citrus-greening/ #PlantPathology
When #Fusarium teams up with #Phytophthora, #soybean crops don't stand a chance. Learn how understanding these interactions is helping us develop the #crops of the future. šā¬ļøšhttps://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13505
#JIPB #PlantSci #CropSci #phytopathology #PlantPathology #PlantScience
#fusarium #phytophthora #soybean #crops #JIPB #plantsci #cropsci #phytopathology #PlantPathology #plantscience
A new paper from the Lab of Frank Takken on the #Fusarium oxysporum Avr2 effector is out in the journal Molecular Plant Pathology. They show that Avr2 suppresses BIK1 function by preventing ubiquitination & membrane dissociation. Thus, BIK1 can't activate defense gene expression or RBOHD.
#MPMI #PlantImmunity #PlantBiology #PlantScience #Agriculture #PlantResearch #PlantPathology #Botany
#fusarium #mpmi #plantimmunity #plantbiology #plantscience #agriculture #plantresearch #PlantPathology #botany
Today I am pleased with myself for identifying the issue with one of my basil plants -- a moderate case of downy mildew -- in time to address it and hopefully save the rest of the plants. I think it must have come in the seed because they are growing in a fairly unexposed dry greenhouse and only one plant has any symptoms. Something new to watch out for, and also something to check out under a lens (gotta love looking at spores). #PlantPathology #Gardening
A bacterial type III effector targets plant vesicle-associated membrane proteins #plantpathology #plantdisease #scicomm #openaccess https://bsppjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/mpp.13360
#PlantPathology #Plantdisease #scicomm #openaccess
Hey #PlantScience people. Can you suggest some #books to get back into the subject?
I completed two years of an undergrad degree in PlantSci at the start of the 90s, so I'm comfortable with #biochemistry at the level of the Calvin-Benson cycle, redox reactions, cytochromes and all that jazz.
Other stuff I'm interested in: #SoilScience, #PlantPathology, #PlantPhysiology, general #Microbiology and #PlantGenetics (transgenic toms were all the rage where I studied).
Rec me some reading! #BookRec
#bookrec #plantgenetics #microbiology #plantphysiology #PlantPathology #soilscience #biochemistry #books #plantscience
15 projects open now for undergrad students.
A chance to experience plant health research
#BSPPbursaries #PlantHealth #PlantPathology #PlantDisease #Research #Undergrad
#bsppbursaries #PlantHealth #PlantPathology #Plantdisease #research #Undergrad
The immune receptor SNC1 monitors helper NLRs targeted by a bacterial effector #plantpathology #plantdisease #scicomm https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.23.533910v1
#PlantPathology #Plantdisease #scicomm
The immune receptor SNC1 monitors helper NLRs targeted by a bacterial effector #plantpathology #plantdisease #scicomm https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.23.533910v1
#PlantPathology #Plantdisease #scicomm
Tools and approaches for detecting and analyzing virus communities (viromes) are improving fast. In this (open access) review, we explain how high throughout tools are changing the ways we think about and work with viromes in agriculture and crop biosecurity. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1056603
#viruses #PlantPathology #viromes #agriculture #foodsecurity
#foodsecurity #agriculture #viromes #PlantPathology #viruses
Innate immunity can distinguish beneficial from pathogenic rhizosphere microbiota #plantpathology #planthealth #scicomm
#PlantPathology #planthealth #scicomm
Tagging the @jobsecoevo group so that this #TenureTrack #AssistantProfessor position at the Dept of #Entomology and #PlantPathology at North Carolina State University #USA is boosted to the group's members
Adding hashtags to make it searchable
#tenuretrack #assistantprofessor #entomology #PlantPathology #usa #job #academic
We have #PlantHealth summer #student #entomology #plantpathology #gardenecology at To #RoyalHorticulturalSociety find out more at https://www.rhs.org.uk/education-learning/qualifications-and-training/work-based-training/plant-health-summer-studentship
#PlantHealth #student #entomology #PlantPathology #gardenecology #royalhorticulturalsociety
Nutrient Elements Promote Disease Resistance in Tomato by Differentially Activating Immune Pathways #plantpathology #plantdisease https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/10.1094/PHYTO-02-22-0052-R
What's the most important crop? Sophien Kamoun asks the question and gets some interesting answers back. https://kamounlab.medium.com/wisdom-of-the-crowd-whats-the-most-important-food-crop-f73af8676647 #OpenWheatBlast #OpenRiceBlast #PlantPathology
#PlantPathology #openriceblast #openwheatblast
The eINTACT system dissects bacterial exploitation of plant osmosignalling to enhance virulence ZMBP_Tuebingen and Thomas Lahaye's lab. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41477-022-01302-y #plantpathology #plantdisease
Researchers identified and analyzed the molecular and metabolic effects of a fungus-infecting virus on a plant pathogenic fungus and demonstrate that the virus can be converted into a #biocontrol agent against virulent fungal strains. In PNAS: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2214096119 #PlantPathology