Can anyone identify this plant? I saw it on a recent walk, but have no idea what it is.
#Plantodon #plant #bloomscrolling
12. This overgrowed snek plant gave me 12 distinct divisions by the end of the night. That poor thing. Each division showed a different type of distress.
Really says how long my mom really wasn’t 100%. She had one hell of a green thumb and never would have let it get like this when she was at full power.
First day in the office for August - you know what that means!
#HappyWorkPlantBathDay #DeskPlant #PlantsOfMastodon #plantodon
#happyworkplantbathday #deskplant #plantsofmastodon #Plantodon
does anyone know what kind of plant this is?
(sorry for the missing image description. Right now I do not have the spoons for this).
#Plantodon #plant #flower #botanica
Had exactly enough plant food left to feed the local snek population.
The former tiny succulents going nutso in mugs aside, going to need at least 4 new pots at the end of the growing season.
#plants #plantodon question: I feel like I shouldn't be planting these non-native species, but they seem mostly ok. Advice?
Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postil' quite happy to carry on regardless of adverse weather conditions. Smells gorgeous too. #Plantodon #Florespondence #Gardeningmastodon #Snowpix
#snowpix #gardeningmastodon #florespondence #Plantodon
Stunning, right? This is the first leaf that was able to grow properly since I got this Philodendron verrucosum, the precious leafs were all tiny or deformed (I suspected a broad mite infestation & treated it with abamectin). #Houseplants #plantodon
Blue oil fern. It’s pretty easy to grow - if you’ve grown Paphiopedilum orchids, it’ll thrive under the same care. #plantodon #houseplants
The transplant is ready
"plant daddy is a laid-back browser game about raising houseplants in your sunny apartment. Your plants grow in real time–water them, buy some furniture, and then close the tab and come back when you have a spare moment!"
Basking under the grow lights #Plantodon #florespondence #carnivorousplants
#Plantodon #florespondence #carnivorousplants
Aglaonema pictum “tricolor”. Got this as a baby plant as big ones are crazy expensive - now it’s sized up a lot.
Alle Pflänzlein haben die Umstellung auf Heizungsluft ohne Murren mitgemacht, sogar die sonst motzige Pilea. Nur die kleine Efeutute will nicht. Also, gar gar nicht. Ausgerechnet! Hmpf. *blickt missmutig auf gelbe Blätter*
(Jaja, Licht, Wasser, diesdas, alles wie jeden Winter, und doch.)
(Ich weiß, kleine Tute. Ich auch.)
#Plantodon #PlantTalk #pflanzen
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” 🌹
-William Shakespeare
#plants #Plantodon #yellowrose #rose
Somehow all my house plants are dying???? I thought I'd be a great plant parent, but I'm killing them all and I don't know how to save them??? What do I do??? #help #houseplants #plants #indoorplants #plantodon
#Plantodon #indoorplants #plants #houseplants #help