#idw Paper cups are just as toxic as #plastic cups
Replace single use plastic cups with paper ones is problematic. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg show that a paper cup that ends up in nature can also cause damage as they also contain toxic chemicals. https://idw-online.de/en/news819564
#idw Artificial rocks from #macroplastics threaten #ocean health.
#German-#Indonesian research team identifies new rock-like compounds from #plastic waste and #coral rubble for the first time. It poses an increased #environment|al risk to coastal #ecosystems such as #seagrass beds, #mangroves or #coral reefs. The melted #plastic decomposes more quickly into #microplastic|s and is also contaminated with organic pollutants. https://idw-online.de/en/news818167
#idw #macroplastics #ocean #german #indonesian #Plastic #coral #environment #ecosystems #seagrass #mangroves #microplastic
#DOF In #danish: #SeaBirds with #plastic in the stomach starving to death. #Meeresvögel mit Plastik im Magen verhungern. #Havfugle med #plastik i maven dør af sult. 8 ud af 11 #mallemukker fundet døde på kysterne omkring #Skagen havde plastik i maven. Skagen Fuglestation samler døde havfugle i et treårigt projekt, der skal give et fingerpeg om omfanget af plastikforureningen i vores havområder.
#dof #danish #seabirds #Plastic #meeresvogel #havfugle #Plastik #mallemukker #Skagen
#Plastic debris in the #Arctic comes from all around the world – including #Germany
#AWI researchers have analysed the origins of plastic debris on the shores of #Svalbard.
German: #Plastikmüll in der #Arktis stammt aus aller Welt – auch aus #Deutschland
Forschende des AWI haben Herkunft von #Plastik-Müll an den Stränden von #Spitzbergen analysiert.
#Plastic #arctic #germany #awi #Svalbard #plastikmull #Arktis #deutschland #Plastik #Spitzbergen