Its #plasticbagfreeday! Did you know that over 5 million tonnes of plastic enter the oceans every year?
ERC grantee @ErikvanSebille at @UniUtrecht develops models to help assess the full extent of the problem of plastic pollution in our oceans.
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RT Science for Environment Policy
Today it's International #PlasticBagFreeDay!🌍
#PlasticPollution knows no borders 🌊 A groundbreaking study reveals that more than 18% of the #marine litter found along the #Mediterranean coast comes from different countries.
#PlasticBagFreeDay #plasticpollution #Marine #Mediterranean
🛍️ Danes je #PlasticBagFreeDay
😥Umetne snovi v naravi ogrožajo zdravje živali in ljudi ter potrebujejo kar 400 let, preden se popolnoma razgradijo.
👍Naši ukrepi na srečo že kažejo rezultate, saj se v EU 🇪🇺 količina plastike zmanjšuje.
‼️ It takes between 100 and 500 years for a plastic bag to disintegrate.
Single use plastic has been banned in India. On #PlasticBagFreeDay discover 5 things you can do to start a #PlasticBagFree life. How are you contributing?
Only together we can #BeatPlasticPollution!
#PlasticBagFreeDay #PlasticBagFree #BeatPlasticPollution
En el Día Libre de Bolsas de Plástico reiteramos el compromiso de la UE de reducir los desechos plásticos un 50% para 2030.
Hace justo un año prohibimos la venta de 10 productos de plástico de un solo uso, pero hace falta más.
▶👇 ¡Cada gesto cuenta! #PlasticBagFreeDay
¡🆘NO. No más plásticos en la naturaleza!
No podemos seguir defraudando al planeta.
Desliza ↔ para ver el daño que hacen los plásticos de un solo uso en los mares y océanos y qué estamos haciendo desde la UE para acabar con la contaminación por plásticos.
RT @HardemanHildeML: Very interesting policy brief by @EUI_EU about how Africa is tackling the problem of plastic bags while also promoting economic development. #GoodRead!
@florikafink @EU_ENV @eu_eeas
RT @EU_Partnerships: ‼️ It takes between 100 and 500 years for a plastic bag to disintegrate.
On #PlasticBagFreeDay discover 5 things you can do to start a #PlasticBagFree life. Are you ready for the challenge?
Only together we can #BeatPlasticPollution!
#PlasticBagFreeDay #PlasticBagFree #BeatPlasticPollution
RT @EUPublications: Whether you're shopping or not this Sunday, it’s #PlasticBagFreeDay! The perfect moment to examine whether we can do more to cut out those handy but harmful plastic ‘carriers’ in this study by the @EU_Commission’s @EU_ENV department.
RT @EU_Partnerships: ‼️ It takes between 100 and 500 years for a plastic bag to disintegrate.
On #PlasticBagFreeDay discover 5 things you can do to start a #PlasticBagFree life. Are you ready for the challenge?
Only together we can #BeatPlasticPollution!
#PlasticBagFreeDay #PlasticBagFree #BeatPlasticPollution
Whether you're shopping or not this Sunday, it’s #PlasticBagFreeDay! The perfect moment to examine whether we can do more to cut out those handy but harmful plastic ‘carriers’ in this study by the @EU_Commission’s @EU_ENV department.
#PlasticBagFreeDay #plasticfree
Most plastics are harmful for the planet. It's never too late to...
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We're committed to #BeatPlasticPollution with legislation and programmes like @switchasia. But collective action is needed! #PlasticBagFreeDay
#BeatPlasticPollution #PlasticBagFreeDay
‼️ It takes between 100 and 500 years for a plastic bag to disintegrate.
On #PlasticBagFreeDay discover 5 things you can do to start a #PlasticBagFree life. Are you ready for the challenge?
Only together we can #BeatPlasticPollution!
#PlasticBagFreeDay #PlasticBagFree #BeatPlasticPollution
உலக பிளாஸ்டிக் ஒழிப்பு தினம்: பெசன்ட் நகர் கடற்கரையில் பின்னோக்கி ஓடி விழிப்புணர்வு ஏற்படுத்திய அமைச்சர் மா.சுப்பிரமணியன் via
#PlasticFreeDay #PlasticBagFreeDay