💌 The #WebGameDev Newsletter Issue 009 is out! Read it online here: https://webgamedev.com/newsletter/009 and subscribe to get the next ones delivered right to your inbox! 🚀 #threejs #r3f #playcanvas #webgl #webxr
#webxr #webgl #PlayCanvas #r3f #threejs #webgamedev
💌 The #WebGameDev Newsletter Issue 006 is out! Read it online here: https://webgamedev.com/newsletter/006 and subscribe to get the next ones delivered right to your inbox! 🚀 #threejs #r3f #playcanvas #gamedev
#gamedev #PlayCanvas #r3f #threejs #webgamedev
💌 The #WebGameDev Newsletter Issue 004 is out! Read it online here: https://webgamedev.com/newsletter/004 and subscribe to get the next ones delivered right to your inbox! 🚀 #threejs #r3f #playcanvas #phaserjs #gamedev
#gamedev #phaserjs #PlayCanvas #r3f #threejs #webgamedev
🌐🎮 Today, I am launching WebGamer, a simple portal of curated next-gen web games: https://webgamer.io. More details about the tools these games use on WebGameDev: https://webgamedev.com/games-demos
#html5games #webgl #threejs #playcanvas #gamedev
#gamedev #PlayCanvas #threejs #webgl #html5games
💌 The #WebGameDev Newsletter Issue 003 is out! Read it online here: https://webgamedev.com/newsletter/003 and subscribe to get the next ones delivered right to your inbox! 🚀 #threejs #r3f #aframe #playcanvas #babylonjs #gamedev
#gamedev #babylonjs #PlayCanvas #aframe #r3f #threejs #webgamedev
I'm building this web app at work atm and I'm using both playcanvas and React and it's looking pretty nice! Happy with the UI and overall feel of the app and seeing the 3d models together with selected parts streaming in is cool. Has been great use of both my web and game dev skills! 😁 #PlayCanvas
Again with hashtags cause apparently that's how we do things here:
If you need some work for hire game dev done or know anyone who does please let me know! Most recently did gigs in c#, js and python using #unity, #godot, #PlayCanvas and #RenPy but can probably figure out any engine using the above languages https://stellarcartography.online/
#gamedev #workForHire #renpy #PlayCanvas #godot #unity