@donncha do you want in on this #Queen discussion?
@donncha I do! I believe I first said hello to you because we both were using the #PlayQueenLoud hashtag!
Agree the new incarnation of QueenPod isn't as good - less like fans chatting obsessively together and more like a 'normal' show, but understandable why it's changed, and I'm still happy to have it back. I love Ro, he's smashing.
Not listened to the Miracle boxset ep yet, looking forward to it.
Is the Queen song, "These are the days of our lives" a champion song, or does it bite the dust?
Of course, it's a champion! How could it not be? I choke up with emotion when I hear the first few notes of it. So good. So sad.
#queen #pql #PlayQueenLoud #seasidepodreview
Is Drowse a champion song or does it bite the dust?
I used to really dislike Queen's Hot Space. It's not an album that sounds like a Queen album, mostly. Under Pressure is an exception! And Las Palabras De Amor is beautiful.
Action This Day is a song I did not like when I heard it first. Listen to it here:
The guys at Seaside Pod Review gave it the thumbs up and I have to agree now. It's no Bohemian Rhapsody but it's not a stinker.
What do you think of Action This Day?
@xanna Should have included this video in my reply. :)
OK, I listened to all 1hr 20 mins of this. It was such a feast!
It's a damned shame the creators don't seem to be active online any more. Thank you, piotreq, wherever you are!!
#queen #QueenTheBand #PlayQueenLoud #pql
@donncha oh WOW, these are SO GOOD!
The mashup is so cleanly done, it's excellent. I'm in awe. Going to be singing I Want It All in a minor key throughout from now on.
Thank you so much for sharing!
While going through my Queen collection, I found a remixed album by someone called PiotreQrmx. He lost the domain of his website, but it was archived at archive.org thankfully, and most of the mediafire links are still working!
Here's a mashup of I Want it All and The Show Must Go On. While it's ultimately repetitive, the clips of Freddie are great.
Nevermore.. Wow.
If you don't know, "Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon" by Queen, you're in for a treat. Absolutely lovely song and one of my favourite songs. Just over 1 minute of perfection.
Jai on the Recovering Queen Fan Podcast did a great cover of it too!
#queen #PlayQueenLoud #freddiemercury #music
RIP Freddie. Passed away on this day in 1991. I still remember hearing the news on the radio that morning.
#queen #PlayQueenLoud #freddiemercury
Seaside Pod Review is a great Queen music review show.
This episode is about the amazing "Somebody to Love".
#queen #podcast #pql #PlayQueenLoud
OMG OMG OMG. The new Miracle (Collectors Edition) is amazing.
I'm probably the only one in the whole universe who loved the original Party and Khashoggi's Ship but the new versions are so different, it's a whole different mood.
#queen #PlayQueenLoud #pql #themiracle
1. This is like choosing a favourite child, it feels immoral.
With a gun to my head, Sheer Heart Attack, with an honourable mention to Queen II, and Night at the Opera (of course).
2. Flash soundtrack. If that doesn't count, then Hot Space.
3. Innuendo
#PlayQueenLoud #queen #QueenTheBand
@donncha this was the only toot that came up when I searched #PlayQueenLoud, and that is certainly worth a follow!
Of course, Keep Yourself Alive is a champion Queen song!
#queen #PlayQueenLoud #freddiemercury #brianmay