SIGGEN · @siggen_acl
12 followers · 4 posts · Server

One week left until events kick off for ! You can still register to join us on-site in Prague or, if you can't make it all the way to Czechia, join us virtually!

Virtual registration is free, to enable as many people to join the conference as possible, so please share far and wide:

#computationallinguistics #nlproc #discourse #dialogue #NaturalLanguageGeneration #PleaseBoost #sigdialxinlg2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Translate Science · @TranslateScience
404 followers · 189 posts · Server

Launch of Translate Science

We are a new working group that wants to build tools to make of scientific articles/reports/books, abstracts, titles and terms more accessible and (thus) stimulate the production of such translations.

#helloworld #PleaseBoost #translations #introduction #introductions #translation #science #scientificLiterature #ScholarlyLiterature #OpenScience #openaccess

Last updated 3 years ago

Victor Venema · @VictorVenema
1480 followers · 1653 posts · Server

is naturally ideal, but being allowed to collect, analyse & publish their abstracts would already help a lot.

We would be happy to scrape the abstracts from the web. Is there a group with good lawyers in the Open Community willing to stand up to the publisher & publish the abstracts?

Some claim abstracts are part of the EU Text & Data Mining exception for research. But the I4OA claims this is not allowed.

#openaccess #OpenAbstracts #PleaseBoost

Last updated 4 years ago