J.D. · @deloco
21 followers · 414 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

Since yesterday my @plex Mediaserver is not accessable from the outside. Also, no app on my network can connect to it. Via Browser it works.
Strange is, that it really started spontaneously. Nothing changed.
What happened here?
I just can‘t connect any app to my Server and it dispalys, that it‘s not accessable, but on my router nothing changed.

#plex #PlexMediaServer

Last updated 1 year ago

So, since I think I've finally had it with all the BS, I made a server on my partition that already hosts a server. I used to run Plex off of the partition years ago on the same desktop and wanted to get our old media files off of it to the new one on the Ubuntu partition.

Setting up the Plex server on Ubuntu was very easy and fast since I already have setup to remote to my Ubuntu system since the host is shoved into a corner and I only access it remotely from the same home network. Trying to get going from my laptop wouldn't work for some reason, even though RDP was enabled on the Windows 8 system.

So I gave up and just pulled out the computer and worked on it locally. I tried several methods to find the files. Again, the Plex server on Windows 8 was several years past its last use, so I couldn't remember where I kept the files, what type they were, or even what the proper name for them should be.

@polarisu helped me remember the files mostly were .mp4s, but even that last search was fruitless. Nothing under the default or any of the subfolders for Plex either. I finally asked,

"Did we delete these files?"

"Yeah, I think we did. It should be on my external drive. I put it in a bin in the basement, though."


I just had about a week ago for a on my C5-C6 and can't lift anything over 5 lbs yet.

So yeah, that's going to have to wait.

#streamingservices #plex #ubuntu #pihole #windows8 #ssh #rdp #windows10 #neckfusion #surgery #herniateddisc #sysadmin #sysadminlife #sysadminproblems #PlexMediaServer #linux

Last updated 2 years ago

Veit0r · @vbartels
17 followers · 93 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

Habe heute Nachmittag das „Sonic Adventure“ Feature von Plexamp entdeckt… Wow! Ich bin ich Begeistert. Das funktioniert wirklich absurd gut und fördert Dinge aus meinem Mediaserver hervor von denen ich nichtmal wusste das sie dort zu finden Sind.

#homeserver #daddywhyisthereaserverinthehouse #PlexAmp #PlexMediaServer #plex

Last updated 2 years ago