For those trying (and failing like me) to set the background of a #plotly choropleth map with the `plot_bgcolor` property of a template object, set the `geo_bgcolor` instead.
The former is overwritten by the later. 😑It's obvious now but that's 2 hours I can't get back...
The Plotly Dash docs are actually really nice! It's not often you find documentation that goes beyond listing function calls but also explaining the "why" and proactively describing some potential pitfalls along the way. I'm very pleased and can't believe I haven't tried Dash until now!
The root problem was #plotly plots not appearing in #jupyter lab. Before going down rabbit holes I thought I’d try the classic notebook first. Plots appeared without an issue. Sorry jupyterlab, you’ve been trying hard for a long time, but you’ve done everything right to make me dislike you.
After working with #python #plotly #dash for a few days, I'm annoyed.
It makes really cool "hello world" examples. Anything larger is extremely bulky.
It's a state-less web thing, so I need redis/whatever-the-fuck/massive time/net hits just to, like, *store information in variables*.
Except there are no non-toy examples of this. Does anyone outside of medium articles use this thing?
OK, it begins to make sense. These things just return back dictionaries. Probably to hand to the #plotly #javascript engine that actually displays in the browser.
As a bonus, if #dash can do grids of text as well as it seems to do plots, I might be able to ditch a work frenemy. And there's no reason it shouldn't--it's just #flask
#Plotly #javascript #dash #flask #python
Is there a simple explainer for #dash vs #plotly vs plotly express? (I already read the confusing half-truths Google finds)
In particular, why is it easy to find "hello world" graphs from dash, but impossible to find a 3d one other than plotly express?
And what am I getting into dependency-wise if I start using this thing? I don't *want* pandas.
I use #ObsidianMD as a digital #bujo. One of the things that I have been tracking is my blood pressure.
Wrote a #python script to plot the values using #plotly
#ObsidianMD #bujo #python #Plotly
@brandewinder this was awesome Matthias. Beautiful demo of the #plotly charting features in #fsharp , numerical differentiation and a fun Xmas themed operations challenge. Now can you get local #sf government to adopt any of these optimization techniques.
If you do data visualization in Haskell, check out Plotlyhs, the library I've forked and am now maintaining. You can use it to make interactive charts using #Plotly, but leveraging the functional goodness of #Haskell. Pull requests welcome! Version 0.2.3 is now live on Hackage:
Como estoy mirando, practicando y haciendo algún que otro curso/tutorial sobre #Kubernetes, he adaptado mi anterior repo de #Docker + #Python 3.8 + #DashPlotly + #GUnicorn 20.1.0 para que pueda desplegarse en un cluster de #K8s con dos comandos ->
☸ Kubernetes + Python 3.8 + Dash Plotly + GUnicorn 20.1.0 ☸
👉 👈
#github #Docker #python #Gunicorn #DockerCompose #Dash #DashPlotly #python3 #plotly #repos #kubernetes
#repos #Plotly #python3 #dash #dockercompose #GitHub #k8s #gunicorn #dashplotly #python #docker #kubernetes
Como estoy mirando, practicando y haciendo algún que otro curso/tutorial sobre #Kubernetes, he adaptado mi anterior repo de #Docker + #Python 3.8 + #DashPlotly + #GUnicorn 20.1.0 -> para que pueda desplegarse en un cluster de #K8s con dos comandos ->
☸ Kubernetes + Python 3.8 + Dash Plotly + GUnicorn 20.1.0 ☸
👉 👈
#github #Docker #python #Gunicorn #DockerCompose #Dash #DashPlotly #python3 #plotly #repos #kubernetes
#repos #Plotly #python3 #dash #dockercompose #GitHub #k8s #gunicorn #dashplotly #python #docker #kubernetes
@seabbs maybe this could be helpful for some of what you’re trying to do:
for the python env i’m using mamba, and for #pymc you can always use the `to_pandas()` polars method to pass it off—i want to do a post with more end to end stuff too just haven’t had the time
this at least has part of it, the #polars and #plotly method chaining i mean
#30DayMapChallenge day 14 - #hexagons
took me a while to find a dataset that was suitable for my idea. Apparently, the UK as a whole is pretty bad at recording bee sightings alongside any kind of co-ordinates. However... got there in the end.
This map show #bee sightings in the north east of Scotland in 2011.
Code and data can as per be found on my github:
#datadon #DataScience #python #plotly #mapbox #DataVisualisation
#30DayMapChallenge #hexagons #bee #datadon #datascience #python #Plotly #mapbox #datavisualisation
#30DayMapChallenge day 11 - Colour Friday: Red
I built a map showing the peak positions of #TaylorSwift's album "Red (Taylor's Version)" in each nation's respective charts. Nations with more than one chart used the average peak position between each chart.
I was hoping to make the country outlines either white or red too but unlike graph objects, #plotly express doesn't seem to have an argument for that.
#30DayMapChallenge #taylorswift #Plotly #datascience #datavisualisation #dataviz #python
#30DayMapChallenge day 4 #ColourFriday #Green
Took a step away from #geopandas today to explore more about use of #mapbox through #plotly.
Spent ages figuring out how to access the #vector maps using the access tokens but got there eventually by saving the token as a text file and importing that to my code.
The one thing that bugs me is the white line between the map itself and the padded area of the #colorbar so if anyone knows how to get rid of or change the colour of that I'd be grateful 😇
#30DayMapChallenge #ColourFriday #green #geopandas #mapbox #Plotly #vector #colorbar