This is why #Newburyport #Massachusetts should NOT invest any more money into saving #PlumIsland. With sea levels predicted to be at 10 feet or more by 2050 (if not sooner), it needs to be abandoned!
NOAA, February 2022: U.S. Will See Century's Worth of Sea Level Rise Within 30 Years, NOAA Report Says
"Between 10 and 12 inches of sea level rise is expected on U.S. coastlines, the report said."
#newburyport #massachusetts #PlumIsland
#PlumIsland resurfaces: Secret research programs run by the USDA, DoD and DHS are engineering agricultural #bioweapons to starve nations into #collapse
#collapse #bioweapons #PlumIsland
#PlumIsland resurfaces: Secret research programs run by the USDA, DoD and DHS are engineering agricultural #bioweapons to starve nations into #collapse
#collapse #bioweapons #PlumIsland