Heh heh. Sean Plonker has been suspended from Twitter for doxing someone. He's blaming pro-trans people, naturally.
I mean, how foul do you have to be to get booted off the pro-Nazi bird site?
Anyone who remembers Ani O'Brien from her humble beginnings as a toxic TERF on Twitter will enjoy this tale. She had a brief moment of fame working for JuCo, but alas that didn't end well. So she moved to the Platform... toxicity & misinformation in a nutshell.
Ani thought she should be a boss... Sean disagreed. And you'll never guess where that ended up?
#theplatform #Plunket #anio #employment #court
Just had our first visit from a #Plunket sleep consultant. Would be fair to say I'm not impressed. #sleeptraining #newparents
#Plunket #sleeptraining #newparents