@ljwrites ... that looks very much like the toys from my youth that I was looking for over a year ago!
The material is not quite the same, and the shape is still slightly off, but it's closer than the #PlusPlus that #BeardGrabber is playing with. :)
Spent some time trying to find the name of some #constructionToys from the #80s or #90s that I used to play with in my #youth.
I can't quite remember the design of the bricks, so I drew four designs that I could imagine. Not sure if there was a single type of brick, or if there were two different ones that were meant to be used together.
You could lock these together to form various geometric shapes or weird structures. Either by locking the sides together, or by inserting one or two into the middle of another.
I was first reminded of these by seeing 'Plus-Plus' in a #toy shop here in Norway, but those aren't quite the same as the ones I remember growing up in the #Netherlands. #PlusPlus is rectangular, while the ones from my #childhood are square-shaped instead, and had a plus-shaped hole in the middle.
I had sort of forgotten about them again after the last time I looked for their name, but since I dreamt about them last night, I figured I'd #AskTheFediverse this time. :)
#JeugdSentiment #jeugd #MijnJeugd #JarenNegentig #JarenTachtig #eighties #nineties #MyChildhood #nostalgia
#constructionToys #80s #90s #youth #toy #netherlands #PlusPlus #childhood #askthefediverse #JeugdSentiment #jeugd #MijnJeugd #JarenNegentig #JarenTachtig #eighties #nineties #MyChildhood #nostalgia