discovered #PlutoTV removed their classic cartoon channel. it was a good place to watch betty boop shorts and crappy 60s cartoons based on comic strips :blob_pensive:
Poking around the #PlutoTV channel, as you do. Like, the #MST3K channel is having a #Gamera marathon? Neat.
But yeah, I find myself mulling over the fact that old shows that had a buttload of episodes in order to get syndicated are now getting their own 24/7 channels. Because what else do you do with all this old content?
Huzzah! PlutoTV is now showing Richard Dawson era episodes of Family Feud. That was the best era. Steve Harvey is funny, but the questions are designed to elicit the cringiest sexual answers out of little old ladies, so Steve can guffaw and mug for the camera. Dawson was just there to show the questions, and kiss the ladies. (Which was also cringey.)
#familyfeud #Gameshows #Plutotv
#Twitch devient n'importe quoi : de moins en moins de streams intéressants. C'est comme dans un mauvais restaurant : il y a du choix mais rien ne fait envie. Heureusement, #M6 diffuse ce soir un épisode inédit de #CauchemarEnCuisine. Peut-être la fin de soirée sur #PlutoTV ? Les films et séries ne sont pas les derniers à la mode mais ils restent intéressants.
#twitch #M6 #cauchemarencuisine #Plutotv
Top Ten Show : les voitures les plus économes en carburant (avant le dieselgate de 2015). Trouvé sur Pluto TV.
Trouvé sur Pluto TV, Pimp My Ride la Cadillac DeVille de la fin des années 1970.
Watching a bunch of the newer #MST3K episodes on #PlutoTV. They list all of the #Kickstarter backers in the credits and I'm pretty sure I recognized some of those names!
Does anyone knows where I can watch the 9th season of #PeepShow?
#PlutoTV only has it from 1st to 8th.
#peepshow #Plutotv #questions #tvshows #tv #streaming
Just canceled my #Netflix account. I was paying $23.30/month already and Netflix wanted me to set my home IP. That would have added almost $17.74 on top of my bill. NO streaming platform is worth $41.04 a MONTH unless I can access literally all episodes of all seasons of ANY series I desire to watch and even then its pushing it. #PlutoTV, YouTube, #Tubi, and #BeeTV for me! #NetflixIsHate #greedflation #Overpriced
#netflix #Plutotv #tubi #beetv #netflixishate #greedflation #overpriced
@fairyqueen91 Cheaters? I miss the ridiculousness of that show!! Where do I find it on #PlutoTV?
hii guys! how's everyone tonight? I'm watching #cheaters on #plutoTv #nightvibes #myVibes #ChillVibes Hope all is well. :)
#cheaters #Plutotv #nightvibes #myVibes #chillvibes
Is there ANYTHING better than hearing Sisko & Vic belt out "The Best is Yet To Come"?!! #AveryBrook's voice is "like buttah.." <swoon> #StarTrek #PlutoTV #StarTrekDeepSpaceNine #JamesDarren
#averybrook #startrek #Plutotv #startrekdeepspacenine #jamesdarren
@kd8bxp #PlutoTV is part of the Paramount empire, so not a big surprise. We sprung for P+ (starting when it was CBSAA) so have all-u-can-eat Trek at all times. 😃 And when we get to the end of the 868-item #StarTrek buffet, we'll start over. Of course, there will be more by then ... Currently consuming TOS S1E13 ...
Watching #horror #comedy #PiranhaDD
Already looks more promising than #Spiders3D which was by and large a snooze fest...😴
Some shockingly big names in this!
Streaming on #PlutoTV #free with ads
#horrormovie #movie #movies #Piranha3dd #Piranha #horrorcomedy
#horrorcomedy #piranha #piranha3dd #movies #movie #horrormovie #free #Plutotv #spiders3d #piranhadd #comedy #horror
Most unfortunate #startrek #ds9 #Plutotv #DescriptionGoneWrong #HootSuite
#startrek #ds9 #Plutotv #descriptiongonewrong #hootsuite
Pour ceux qui ont grandi dans les 90's, le dimanche était synonyme du poulet frite devant la série "Walker, Texas Ranger". Hé bien, saviez-vous qu'il existe, sur la plate-forme VOD gratuite Pluto TV, une chaîne entière dédiée à la diffusion de "Walker, Texas Ranger" ?
Ça se passe ici :
(Avouez que j'ai illuminé votre journée).
#walkertexasranger #tvserie #Plutotv #vod
@jalefkowit Honestly with #PlutoTV and #Plex existing, anything that costs more than $0 isn't a great deal for ad-supported streaming services.