Episode 20: Ableism in the Guided Meditation Space, an Interview with Emma Barnes
In this interview Emma Barnes, we chat about the big problem of ableism in the meditation space (and we talk about yoga, too) and how the image of a thin, whit
#PodcastEpisodes #ableism #GuidedMeditations #MeditationForADHD #MeditationForAutisticPeople #MeditationWrongs #NeurodivergentMeditations
#PodcastEpisodes #ableism #guidedmeditations #meditationforadhd #meditationforautisticpeople #meditationwrongs #neurodivergentmeditations
Episode 19: Meditation, Tea, and an Interview with The Punk Rock Autistic
Today's episode brings together a conversation about tea ceremonies, meditation, Buddhist philosophy, yoga, and the love of autistic special interes
#PodcastEpisodes #Advocacy #AutisticAdvocacy #BuddhistPhilosophy #Buddihism #Meditation #Tea #TeaCeremonies #TeaMeditation #ThePunkRockAutistic #Yoga #YogaPhilosophy
#PodcastEpisodes #advocacy #autisticadvocacy #Buddhistphilosophy #buddihism #meditation #tea #teaceremonies #teameditation #thepunkrockautistic #yoga #YogaPhilosophy
Episode 18: Rethinking Our Stories
What stories are you telling yourself? When you hear voices or narratives in your head talking about you, your choices, your life, whose voices are they? Where did they come from?
One of the hardest and most important things late diagnosed (and all diagnosis configurations from self dx to
#PodcastEpisodes #CulturalNarratives #narratives #PersonalStories #reframing #SocietialNarratives
#PodcastEpisodes #CulturalNarratives #narratives #PersonalStories #reframing #SocietialNarratives
Episode 17: Rekindling Yoga’s Power of Liberation
Liberation has been forgotten in the modern yoga movement, especially modern postural yoga, from which today's yoga studios, yoga teacher trainings, and yoga organizations have arisen. And yet, if we put the liber
#PodcastEpisodes #DisabilityLiberation #liberation #MadLiberation #NeurodivergenceLiberation #RacialLiberation #YogaAndLiberation #YogaMeansUnion
#PodcastEpisodes #DisabilityLiberation #liberation #MadLiberation #NeurodivergenceLiberation #RacialLiberation #YogaAndLiberation #YogaMeansUnion
Episode 16: Same Foods and Wellness
Today's show discusses same foods within the context of being neurodivergent and chronically ill. We discuss how food is trust and how same foods represent a trust with your body, which is vital to feeling safe and well. We'll also talk about how same foods help wellness, and how they present chal
#PodcastEpisodes #eatingbetter #eatingpatterns #neurodivergenteating #samefoods #wellness
#PodcastEpisodes #eatingbetter #eatingpatterns #neurodivergenteating #samefoods #wellness
Weight Loss Programs & Weight Stigma
Did you know you can now "watch" our podcasts on YouTube? Check it out and subscribe to our channel.
The entire weight loss industry is built around two things: control and making money. Except our weight isn't an indicator of health and it isn't something that's 100% under our control. In this episode
#PodcastEpisodes ##Noweigh #weightbias #weightloss #weightstigma #weightwatchers
#PodcastEpisodes #Noweigh #weightbias #weightloss #weightstigma #weightwatchers
Safety is Required for Wellness
CW: This podcast episode mentions within the context of needing safety in all aspects of our lives the topics of: restrictive eating, diet plans (like Weight Watchers), physical safety, physical assault, and sexual harassment and assault.
This episode is very close to my heart and
#PodcastEpisodes #cPTSD #disorderedeating #emotionalsafety #gendersafety #physicalsafety #safety #worksafety
#PodcastEpisodes #cptsd #disorderedeating #emotionalsafety #gendersafety #physicalsafety #safety #worksafety
What’s Wrong With the Narrative of Control
On the blog lately I've been talking about connection and how the wellness wheel doesn't exist in isolation. Last episode, I talked about expanding the wellness wheel by adding charkas and energy work. However there's one thing that both our western health and wellness models and the mindset manifestation/Law of Attraction (
#PodcastEpisodes #LOA #manifestation #mindset
#PodcastEpisodes #LOA #manifestation #mindset
Episode 12: Expanding On The Wellness Wheel
In this episode, we take the Free Range Wellness Wheel and expand it to provide a path towards finding holistic, radical wellness. Each section of the wheel can be taken into its own wellness wheel in order to provide a fuller picture of that area and the steps toward finding wellness. This also means dis
#PodcastEpisodes #chakras #energeticsystem #koshas #WellnessWheel
#PodcastEpisodes #chakras #energeticsystem #koshas #WellnessWheel