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Originally posted by 0day Exploit Database 🌴 /
#0day #PodcastGenerator 3.2.9 - Multiple Stored Cross-Site Scripting #Vulnerability #XSS
#0day #PodcastGenerator #Vulnerability #XSS
I need to get back to working on #PodcastGenerator, perhaps when I book another week of vacation from work
I've left it fallow for too damn long
Looking forward to getting a bunch of hacking time in on #PodcastGenerator next week, hopefully I can get version 3.3 out the door and start landing breaking changes for 4.0 (such as the switch to SQLite)
Podcast Generator 3.2.9 is now available, fixing some stupid bugs that slipped in while I wasn't looking (and also making a correction to the French translation). If you use Podcast Generator for your show, you should probably upgrade.
I put out Podcast Generator 3.2.8 this evening. I'm continuing to get things ready for the 3.3 release, but there were a number of troublesome issues in the 3.2 series that made it seem sensible to put out another patch in the interim.
I think I might hold v4v and people tags for #PodcastGenerator 4.0. It feels too complex to integrate them with 3.x's files-up-the-wazoo way of doing things, so I'd much rather have the SQLite integration in place for them. This of course means that 4.0 will be the next release after 3.3 goes out the door.
#PodcastGenerator #podcasting20 #dev #webdev
My development branch for live items has everything /needed/ for the backend side of things -- you can create, edit, and delete live items. And since the feed and config stuff was the first work done for this feature, that means the only thing left is providing a page for visitors to view.
Last night I finished the live item editor page. This morning on the subway I started refactoring to de-duplicate some existing code and limit further duplication when building the creator page.
I have an "Edit Live Item" page now, although it doesn't do anything but build and display the edit form. #progress
I am heavily rewriting the RSS feed generator in Podcast Generator as the code I inherited has had me scratching my head for a week trying to figure out how to fit live items and other features into it. The new generator will use PHP's wrapper around libxml's XML writer, and should make it much easier to slot things in appropriately. #PodcastGenerator
Podcast Generator 3.2.7 has been released, providing security fixes for one of our dependencies. If you make use of the Podcast Index or WebSub integration features of Podcast Generator, you are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
#PodcastGenerator #securityupdate
Let's see how the first commit to PodcastGenerator goes 😔
Props to PodcastGenerator crew. In less than 2 hours I was able to get up, running, and published
Now i just need content and time.
Podcast Generator 3.2.6 is now released! This includes a security update for one of our dependencies, and fixes a post-setup process crash. If you're using Podcast Generator, you are strongly advised to upgrade, especially if you have enabled Podcast Index integration.
Podcast Generator 3.2.5 is now available, with a few bug fixes and complete translations for Farsi and traditional Chinese.
Podcast Generator 3.2.4 is now available, containing the updated German translation (thanks @Fips!) and including setup and upgrade path fixes. If you use Podcast Generator to run your podcast's feed and website, pick it up now!
Podcast Generator 3.3 will drop support for PHP 7. Even the latest minor version (7.4) is out of active support and only has about half a year before even security support ends.
I'm not going to say that PG 3.3 won't necessarily not work on PHP 7 but I doubt that it will.
Someone sent in two complaints about Spotify disguised as bug reports today #PodcastGenerator
I had to put out an update to Podcast Generator 3.2 due to a pair of issues with episode uploading that may appear under certain server configurations. Version 3.2.1 fixes uploading in situations where using an absolute directory path fails but relative paths are permitted.