RT @MandaScott
How can we bring hope & agency & a sense of awe and wonder back into a world that feels as if it's on the verge of breakdown?
In this #Accidentalgods #Podcast,@slunglowalan brings us awe, wonder - and gods in the sky http://accidentalgods.life/be-kind-be-use #Tuesdaymorning #PodcastAndChill
#accidentalgods #podcast #tuesdaymorning #PodcastandChill
Is there an app that converts podcasts to articles?
I have tried listening. It's not my medium. But I have some content that I want to access. Tips? Apps?
#AskFedi #PodcastAndChill #Podcast #Podcasts #IsThereAnAppForThat #TheresAnAppForThat
[Edited to add: a very low tech, easy to use app, please and thank you! I'm not open source software literate]
#theresanappforthat #isthereanappforthat #podcasts #podcast #PodcastandChill #askfedi
RT @MandaScott
How can we bring hope & agency & a sense of awe and wonder back into a world that feels perpetually on the verge of breakdown?
In this #Accidentalgods #Podcast, @slunglowalan
brings us awe, wonder & gods in the sky
#MondayMorning #PodcastAndChill
#accidentalgods #podcast #mondaymorning #PodcastandChill
“NinetyForChill: The #Podcast” is in need of a guest to record an episode before March 7. If you have a #movie - director - actor - theme that you want to chat about for 40 minutes at the least, feel free to reply or message me. The show is dedicated to #movies between 70 and 99 minutes. #Films like Duncan Jones’s “Moon”,
Danny Boyle’s “Trainspotting”, Paul W.S. Anderson’s “Alien vs Predator”, or Robert Rodriguez’s “Machete” franchise.
#podcast #movie #movies #films #PodcastandChill #moviereview #cinema #podcasts
We've got merch! It only took us 7 years... more designs coming soon. #PodcastAndChill #herstory #Archaeology http://tee.pub/lic/AWrPhxel8Bw
#PodcastandChill #herstory #archaeology
Dilemma, Dilemma, Micro Story by Dee Allen. If you want your poem or story read on our podcast, let us know!
#PodcastAndChill #podcast #podcasts #poetrycommunity #poem #poetry
#PodcastandChill #podcast #podcasts #poetrycommunity #poem #poetry
The podcast is back this week with Ridley Scott part 2. In this clip, with @GizmoShikari@twitter.com & @KnowhereAndy@twitter.com, there's some considerable shade thrown at Jonesy. What do you think, is it warranted? #podernfamily #podcast #horror #PodcastAndChill
part one: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2k7eiHUBuFSXB01vaLjIEH
#PodernFamily #podcast #horror #PodcastandChill
I'm watching Star Trek: The Next Generation 3x24 "Ménage à Troi" with friends from @StrangeNewPod@twitter.com #PodcastAndChill #FerengiWeek https://trakt.tv/shows/star-trek-the-next-generation/seasons/3/episodes/24 #StarTrekTheNextGeneration #trakt
#PodcastandChill #ferengiweek #startrekthenextgeneration #trakt
John Waters was the next name of the game. Sleazy and loveable for me & @GrahamWFilm@twitter.com with Multiple Maniacs and Hairspray (the good one). #podernfamily @UKCriterion@twitter.com territory on this episode #PodcastAndChill
Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4E3c2SHn3KqIEMSWiVq4Ta
#PodernFamily #PodcastandChill
Directors Uncut's very first episode was @toyodatoshiaki@twitter.com. Myself, @thisisrobedward@twitter.com & @GrahamWFilm@twitter.com talked about 2 @thirdwindow@twitter.com titles - Monsters Club & Blue Spring. #podernfamily #podcastandchill #fromthearchive #Japan
Listen on Spotify Here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2JAbMwQTXhw6trzAfKE6b1
#PodernFamily #PodcastandChill #fromthearchive #japan
The Comfortable Spot is a series of conversations with interesting people from different walks of life. You may not know all of them, but you might find them intriguing, so I hope you are sitting comfortably and happy to stay with us.
#Podcast #PodcastAndChill #Podcasts #PodcastGuest
#podcast #PodcastandChill #podcasts #Podcastguest
Ep4. Appalachian Yule. In this episode Frogg Corpse will read his poem, we’ll read “Appalachian Yule”.
#poetry #podcast #PodcastAndChill #Literature #LiteraturePosts #podcasts #poet #creativetoots
#poetry #podcast #PodcastandChill #literature #literatureposts #podcasts #poet #creativetoots
Want to monetize your podcast in 2023?
Improving the quality of your podcast and growing your community are two ways to prepare for monetising your podcast.
Find out more ways to make monetise your podcast:
#PodcastAndChill #PodNation #IndiePodcast
#IndiePodcast #PodNation #PodcastandChill
Anyone have any good podcast recommendations for global news analysis? #PodcastAndChill #podcastrecommendations
#PodcastandChill #PodcastRecommendations
RT @mrs_crimboSBM@twitter.com
Need some good podcast suggestions please…. 😊
#PodcastAndChill #podcastrecommendations #podcast
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mrs_crimboSBM/status/1608527361670004737
#PodcastandChill #PodcastRecommendations #podcast
“NinetyForChill: The #Podcast: #DavidCronenberg vs. the 2022’s Top Sub-100 Minute Discoveries”. Can the master of body #horror 3-peat with the best #movie discussed on the pod? https://russbstevens.podbean.com/e/episode100/
We have officially named the award for best discovery of the year as the Leslie Carlson Memorial Best Discovery Award after “Videodrome” and “The Fly” were the 2020 and 2021 winners.
#movies #Moviestodon #MoviesICantSwitchOff #MoviesAndBooze #Movies2watch #PodcastandChill
#podcast #davidcronenberg #horror #movie #movies #moviestodon #moviesicantswitchoff #moviesandbooze #movies2watch #PodcastandChill
Happy Friday all. Episode 5 is now available…https://open.spotify.com/episode/4CGViD58PT3GJNAphgdG8O?si=mg457j-MSTq-szrmH6BzBA #craftbeer #beer #beers #Christmas #PodcastAndChill #podcast #podcasting
#craftbeer #beer #beers #christmas #PodcastandChill #podcast #podcasting
Happy Friday all. Episode 5 is now available…https://open.spotify.com/episode/4CGViD58PT3GJNAphgdG8O?si=mg457j-MSTq-szrmH6BzBA #craftbeer #beer #beers #Christmas #PodcastAndChill #podcast #podcasting
#craftbeer #beer #beers #christmas #PodcastandChill #podcast #podcasting
scifi-horror & dark humor podcast, Democracy Jones.
#PodcastAndChill #podcasts #PodcastRecommendations #horror #horrorpodcast #scifiart #sciencefictionpodcast #LISA #TrumpAnnouncement #ArgentinaVsFrance #HenryCavill #AvatarTheWayOfWater #TWD
#PodcastandChill #podcasts #PodcastRecommendations #horror #horrorpodcast #scifiart #sciencefictionpodcast #lisa #trumpannouncement #argentinavsfrance #henrycavill #AvatarTheWayOfWater #TWD
“NinetyForChill.com: The #Podcast - 56.5 David Cronenberg and His Rabid Gangster Bugs.” From pesticide addiction to secret gangsters, this is a #filmography that all should explore. russbstevens.podbean.com/e/bonus565/
#FilmTwitter #movies #letterboxd #podcastandchill #MoviesICantSwitchOff #aewdynamite #MoviesandMonsters #moviesoftheday #Movies2watch @whatsjo @JonBaker @leftfist @mattcampagna @MovieClub95 @horroryear
#podcast #filmography #filmtwitter #movies #letterboxd #PodcastandChill #moviesicantswitchoff #aewdynamite #moviesandmonsters #moviesoftheday #movies2watch