I took the male alates out on the porch for a photoshoot and because I felt sorry for them.
#antvideo #withnarration #ants #harvesterants #Pogonomyrmex #pogos #alates #flyingantday
#antvideo #withnarration #ants #harvesterants #Pogonomyrmex #pogos #alates #flyingantday
My pogo colony has a bunch of male alates. I hope the queen's fertility is OK. I still see normal workers pupating so... it's probably just something colonies do if they have extra food maybe?
Here is an example of what they want to build, given enough sand and soil. Hence all the eggs. They aim high! #ants #architecture #antnest #Pogonomyrmex
#ants #architecture #antnest #Pogonomyrmex
Just added meat back to their diet and they are having a massive egg-boom. Used this amber light to show of their colors. Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (or as most call them ‘pogos’) have wide heads and simple little eyes. They mostly eat seeds and can in theory live on a vegetarian diet— but like most ants they can’t resist a dead fly, cricket, or roach. #antstodon #ants #pogos #Pogonomyrmex #harvesterants #cutebabies
#antstodon #ants #pogos #Pogonomyrmex #harvesterants #cutebabies
Trying Mastadon out, I guess! In case you don't know me, I am an Oklahoman transplant into South Dakota. I study bird and insect reproduction, behavior, and ecology. I am currently dabbling in plant biology as part of my post-doc at South Dakota State University. I love teaching, research, and connecting with people! #STFL #biology #bird #insect #Silene #Hadena #Pogonomyrmex #Tyrannus
#STFL #biology #bird #insect #Silene #Hadena #Pogonomyrmex #Tyrannus