There are only three days left in our 200th episode celebration giveaway!
Open worldwide, you could win great games like Space Base, Aventuria, The One Ring, Chronicles of Avel, Land Vs. Sea, Sorcerer's Arena, Cowboy Bebop, The Fort Knox Box, and more!
#Giveaway #BoardGameGiveaway #TTRPGGiveaway #WinGames #Contest #BoardGames
Open worldwide, some prizes:
#giveaway #BoardGameGiveaway #ttrpggiveaway #wingames #contest #boardgames #SpaceBase #PointSalad #theonering #landvssea #guildmaster #holidayhijinks #tantocuore #cowboybebop #Aventuria
Point Salad has a new sibling; Point City! This engine building card game will delight fans of the original game. Check out our review of Point City. from Flatout Games and Alderac Entertainment Group.
#BoardGames #CardGames #PointCity #PointSalad #TableauBuilding
#TableauBuilding #PointSalad #PointCity #cardgames #boardgames
New #Boardgame #Review on YouTube
Point Salad from Alderac Entertainment Group
Find out why we fell in love with this brilliant, simple-to-learn, quick playing card game.
#Boardgame #review #PointSalad