Hej #Fediverse!
#introduktion indlæg fra forskerne bag #PolarPortal - et dansk samarbejde mellem Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet og GEUS med nøjagtige #klimadata i næsten realtid om tilstanden af #kryosfæren i #Arktis.
Følg os for data + visualiseringer af Arktisk #Havis #Vejr #Grønlands #Indlandsis #SMB og #GRACE / #GRACEFO massebudget samt #permafrost + #isbjerg #kælving
#mastodonDK #dkmastodon #kælving #isbjerg #permafrost #gracefo #grace #smb #indlandsis #gronlands #vejr #havis #arktis #kryosfæren #klimadata #PolarPortal #introduktion #fediverse
Hello #Fediverse !
An #Introduction post from the scientists behind the #PolarPortal - a danish collaboration between the Danishs Meteorological Institute, the Danish Technical University and GEUS with accurate near real-time #Climate data on the state of the #cryosphere in the #Arctic.
Follow us for data + visualisations of #ArcticSeaIce #Weather #GreenlandIceSheet #SMB and #GRACE / #GRACEFO mass budget as well as #permafrost +#Iceberg processes
#iceberg #permafrost #gracefo #grace #smb #GreenlandIceSheet #weather #ArcticSeaIce #arctic #cryosphere #Climate #PolarPortal #introduction #fediverse
It's that time of year when we expect the melt season to start on the #Greenland ice sheet.
Checked the #PolarPortal today, it's not started yet.
Plots below are daily melt (red), daily surface mass budget (pink shows ices loss, blue is gain). And difference between today and average season. Red is less ice than usual, blue is more.
Overall it's going into the ice melt season a little below average, but southern Greenland looks quite vulnerable to a high melt year
On the #PolarPortal we show #weather graphics based on the #ECMWF operational model. March has been a #WeirdWeather month in #Greenland with record high temperatures early on, the last traces of which were still apparent in #Ilulissat on the 21st. Now it's colder than average.
You can browse through (try the slider at the bottom to animate) here:
#ClimateDiary #ilulissat #Greenland #weirdweather #ecmwf #weather #PolarPortal
Slightly overwhelmed by number of new followers today. Hello everyone!
I'm mainly using account like I did on the birdsite: sharing things I think are fun + interesting, talking about my #science, #ClimateChange, #IceSheets + future #SeaLevelRise, plus #FOSS + #OpenScience
While you're here check out the #PolarPortal http://polarportal.dk/en/greenland/surface-conditions/ to see what's going on in #Arctic #Greenland + keep #FF @OceanIceEU for #Antarctica updates.
I also post an old school blog:
#antarctica #ff #Greenland #arctic #PolarPortal #OpenScience #foss #sealevelrise #IceSheets #climatechange #science
@kim_harding @taracarey @sipappas and see e.g. the #PolarPortal for an up to date estimate of how much #Ice @greenlandicesheet is actually losing!
And to put things into a longer term perspective here is the #GRACE + #GRACEFO satellite record showing the last 20 years of #gravimetry data.
@greenlandicesheet has lost #ice basically every single year..
This is also shown on the #PolarPortal
#PolarPortal #ice #gravimetry #gracefo #grace
And to launch the @greenlandicesheet here is today's news from the #Greenland #IceSheet...
Daily #SurfaceMassBalance from #DMIdk's weather + #SMB model as shown the #PolarPortal
Cc: @MartinStendel
#PolarPortal #smb #DMIDk #SurfaceMassBalance #icesheet #Greenland
Huge warm temperature anomalies over large parts of the #Arctic, including #Greenland, Alaska and NE Siberia (left, from #PolarPortal).
Similar circulation patterns have prevailed for the last three months and will so at least for the next week (right, from #ClimateReanalyzer)
#climatereanalyzer #PolarPortal #Greenland #arctic
Huge warm temperature anomalies over large parts of the #Arctic, including #Greenland, Alaska and northeastern Siberia (left figure, from the #PolarPortal).
Similar circulation patterns have prevailed for the last three months and will so at least for the next one or two weeks (right figure, data from #ClimateReanalyzer)
#climatereanalyzer #PolarPortal #Greenland #arctic
I am rather new here...
Working as a climate researcher at #DMI. Coordinating scientist of the #PolarPortal.
Working with a focus on climate change in the #Arctic and #Africa.
I am coordinating #ROPEWALK, a project aiming to digitize all logbooks (more than 750 shelf metres) in the National Archive of Denmark.
I have dual citizenship 🇩🇰 and 🇩🇪.
#Climate #ClimateChange #Greenland #IceSheets #PolarPortal #ROPEWALK #Arctic #Permafrost #Africa #Weather #Cycling #Photography #Science
#science #photography #cycling #weather #permafrost #IceSheets #Greenland #climatechange #Climate #ROPEWALK #africa #arctic #PolarPortal #DMI #introduction
*Insane* warm temperature anomalies over #Greenland and #Europe this week.
Check out the #polarportal #weather charts 😱😱😱
#weather #PolarPortal #europe #Greenland